November derived its name from the Latin word “Novem” meaning (9). It is the ninth 9th month of the Biblical sacred calendar, the third 3rd month according to the civil calendar 5782 and the eleventh 11th month according to the Gregorian calendar. Though it became the 11th month, it retained
The month of September is a crucial and significant month for various reasons, for many people in many cultures. The word “September” is derived from the Latin word ‘Septem’ meaning seven (7). Rosh Hashanah (literally “head of the year”) is the Jewish New Year. It is the first of
August 9, 2021 is the first of Elul, 5781. August 8, 2021 is the 30th of Av, 5781. According to the Biblical Sacred calendar this is the sixth (6th) month, and according to the Biblical civil calendar, it is the twelfth (12th) month. According to the Gregorian calendar it is the eighth (8th)
In the Gregorian calendar June is the sixth month of the year. In 2021 Sivan, the third (3rd) month in the Biblical Sacred Calendar, and the eleventh (11th) in Biblical Civil Calendar falls in May/June. This is the season when harvest begins in the northern hemisphere even as the winter season