Death Announcement for Lily
Dear GAPNET family,
It saddens us to announce the passing of Lily Mudasia. Lily passed away April 11, 2016. We lost a dear friend and esteemed member of our GAPNET team.
Lily resided in Nairobi, Kenya. She was a missionary to many nations, including South Sudan, Uganda, Ghana and South Africa. She was passionate about teaching the gospel. Lily was a dedicated servant of Yahweh [the name she chose to call Him] who made an impact wherever she went.
She was an excellent communicator and a skilled writer who wrote books for the Body of Christ and produced our GAPNET Prayer Guide. She had an amazing voice and her love for Yahweh and worship inspired many. Lily was a friend and counselor to many. Hers was a life of dedication to Yahweh and others. She is forever in our hearts.
We encourage you to share with us how Lily impacted your life.
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I remember how…
Lily compiled a special publication entitled Praying through the Gates of Society for distribution in all South African prisons. After printing the books in Uganda, she brought the books by bus to South Africa where she distributed the publication to prisoners.
Dear GAPNET Family,
Kindly accept my deepest and sincere condolences after the return of our late beloved sister to our Heavenly Home. may the Abba Father give us the grace and the strength needed to cross this difficult situation. Amen.
Lawali, Niamey, Republic of Niger
Lily Mudasia.
A precious gift sent from The Father
A sister, a friend, a lady
Full of life, joy and spirit
So much fun to be with
Yet focused, disciplined, dedicated and committed
To Jehovah and His Kingdom
Faithful, loving, loyal and consistent
Skilled and quick to register His Voice
Coming through whatever vessel
With those deft, anointed fingers
Always so awesome just to watch
Programmed by her complex processing mind unit
Yet simple and large heart
Walking the streets in the city
Or path in remote villages
Long, tedious bus ride to Namibia
Or flight to Accra or Abuja
There was no hesitation in you
When it came to Kingdom duty
You turned it all into fun and joy
That was just you
Now you are in His majestic presence
To behold forever His face
The King’s daughter and presence
Farmer, racer and soldier extraordinaire
Dropped your earthly boots and gloves of duty
To rest and catch a new schedule
In the best of places
With your Father, Master and King
We celebrate your labour of love
And works of excellence…
Was an honor to walk and work
His vineyard with you
What a beautiful gift and precious treasure
The Father sent our way
We love you Lily Mudasia
Daughter and princess of The Most High
Goodnight and good morning…
Polycarp Gbaja 14042016
Gapnet Team.
My deepest condolences on the passing on of Lily. Her writings many a time gave direction to our monthly prayers.
May the Lord of peace be with her family and friends.
Chris Maboshe | Resident Pastor | Bread of Life Church International
To LILY Mudasia-Dearest Lily, the name Lily was a most appropriate name for you. It makes me think of Lily of the Valley, JESUS, the One whom you were so passionately in love with and in passionate pursuit of. Thank you dear Lily for your commitment and faithfulness to the Kingdom of God. Thank you for all the monthly GAPNET prayer communications you sent out to me and other relevant Kingdom matter communications. Thank you for being a role model in the area of commitment, consistency and tenacity. We remember your passionate spirit and celebrate your life and How Abba used you to impact nations for Kingdom purpose.
With Agape,
Pearl Kupe,
South Africa
I am in denial at this time feeling that someone else can die but let Lily leave on we need her on this planet. She was part of my life and ministry for many years. She will be missed. I would like to speak to a family member or Gapnet member.
Lily was the fastest typer I’d ever known! She would close her screen and look at Dr. Abu as she typed and get it all correct to a large degree! I was amazed! I never knew it was even possible! I was inspired! Then I discovered there was little she couldn’t do or didn’t have. She was so helpful and pleasant and passionate about God. She reminded me that Christians are truly awesome people when they leave themselves open to be used by God. I needed that reminder in that season. I am so sad that she’s home with the Lord but I am so proud that I knew and worked with her! I’m positive she’s singing and dancing and having a blast with the angels!
I first met Lily at the Purpose and Leadership Forum.very charming and a well of knowledge I listened to her teach the word of God and i was amazed just how much she knew about God.I admired her eloquence and how much she had mastered the content she was sharing.
my interaction that day led to me being a part of the mailing list for monthly prayers.I am still in denial about Lily’s death prior to her death she was to facilitate a class i teach on Wednesday we discussed this on Saturday as we prayed celebrating ASUZA. Am saddened and diversted
Lily blessed me with the prayer guides for each month: i learnt so many things from her guides: the feasts of the Lord, praying through the heavens, the prophecies for the year and many more She was a blessing to me and it breaks my heart that we lost a dedicated servant of the Most High God.
My sincere condolences to the GAPNET family for the loss of LILY. Just like in the Book of Acts Chapter 9:39 in the story of Dorcas, I knew Lily through the GAPNET publications and how much of a Blessing she was to me in the preparation and presentation. I know that her work will live forever, and she is with the Lord for eternity.
“But you, go your way till the end; for you shall rest, and will arise to your inheritance at the end of the days.”
Daniel 12:13
Thank you LORD for the life of LILY.
To God Be the Glory.
Dear GAPNET family
Very sorry for your great loss of Lily Mudasia, I’m from Cairo Egypt and was touched by her monthly commitment to God by sending GAPNET prayer guide,
We will miss her lovely spirit.
Please accept deepest condolence from body of Christ in Egypt
Ghada Michael
May the soul of our dear sister Lily, rest in the bosom of the Lord.
You fought a good fight, you kept the faith, and have gone home to be with your Maker. So sad, but God knows the best.
What a blessing this awesome woman of God has been to some of us through her inspired writing. A great life to celebrate. God bless you and you will continue in our memories.
Yaw- Ascension island
Ne recevant plus les dernières prières mensuelles, je me suis rendue sur le site web Gap Network, et je viens de voir avec tristesse le décès de notre sœur Lily. Elle a été une véritable bénédiction pour le corps du Seigneur avec l’envoi des prières mensuelles. Ses œuvres l’on suivie… toutes mes profondes condoléances à toute sa famille naturelle, et à sa famille spirituelle à laquelle elle était rattachée. Je prie que le Consolateur, console ceux qui ont le cœur dans la tristesse après son départ vers le Père.