July is the seventh (7th) month of the Gregorian calendar. The fourth (4th) Biblical sacred calendar month called Tammuz begins on the 30th of June 2022 and ends at sundown on July 28, 2022. This is the eleventh (11th) month of the Biblical Civil Calendar. On the 17th of Tammuz Jews around the
In the Gregorian calendar June is the sixth month of the year. In 2022 Sivan, the third (3rd) month in the Biblical Sacred Calendar, and the eleventh (11th) in Biblical Civil Calendar falls in May/June. This is the season when harvest begins in the northern hemisphere even as the winter season
The fifth (5th) month of the Gregorian calendar, May is named after the Roman goddess, MAIA. The worship of Mercury (to whom the planet is dedicated) was associated with the worship of the Roman goddess Maia who is identified as his mother by her association with the Greek goddess Maia – mother
April is the fourth (4th) month of the Gregorian calendar. The derivation of the Latin name “Aprilis” for April is uncertain. Conventionally, the etymology is from the Latin word “Aperire” meaning “to open” in relation to it being the season when trees, greenery and flowers begin to “bud” or