Prophecies 2016
The Prophetic Word
The Prophetic Word that came on December 31, 2015 at Logos Rhema Foundation
Excerpts from the Prophetic Word that came on December 31, 2015 through the vessel that God used – Dr. Abu Bako
There are some that God will help to help nations – not in one area – but in every area, in the eight gates of society. God is about to bring people to that level.
God is about to take many of us into another realm of operation. There are some of you that will enter God’s rest this year. From now on you will be an expression of the Scripture that says “In Him I live and move and have my being.”
The rhema is the secret. “Come up here” [that we find in Revelation 4:1] is a rhema. You need to enter into the expression of the mystery of the “Secret place of the Most High God” by making the Lord your habitation.
In Exodus it was the angels blowing the trumpet. One blast of the trumpet made the earth tremble.
Some people are going to hear “come up to that mountain”. When you come up something is going to be unveiled to you. When you get to that level of operation with God people will wonder where you are coming from and where you are going to. I am praying that manifestation into being.
When God has encountered you like Moses in the burning bush – each time Moses would go back to the secret place of the Most High.
There are some serious things that will be happening concerning various parts of the world. I was taken into a meeting where Putin, Erdogan, Obama, the King of Saudi Arabia and someone representing Iran and Iraq. There were things being discussed. It was like a meeting to solidify certain things that had been discussed somewhere already. Don’t be surprised if you see people working against their own nations because they have sworn an oath to each other to do certain things.
God did say last year that we should watch Russia and watch Turkey.
This time there will be all kinds of things happening and sometimes they will become a little confusing. The whole thing is about energy.
God said it is time for people to stop seeking energy that is not sustainable. Sustainability is the key word. Energy, Agriculture and Water resources, God said sustainability, sustainability, sustainability.
Anything you are going to do that relates to these you must look at the sustainability aspect.
Concerning those meetings [with the world leaders] these people are actually trying to focus everything now in the Middle East. Initially I was asking why am I seeing Obama? I thought [his term] was finished. Then I remembered he hasn’t finished his term of office until the end of 2016 or is he not finishing? I don’t know.
Whatever it is, what God is saying is it is time to seek him and do things according to His pattern. If you do not then what He has already released as the judgement for the nations will start coming.
There are things that will require the Body of Believers to pray to mitigate. There are some serious challenges that are coming on the nations when it comes to Europe, when it comes to America.
Many people have been trying to fight China coming into Africa and India and some of those places. God did say it back in 2007. He started saying that there would be a transfer of technology. In 2009 it was very strong. He said that we should welcome people. Then in 2010 He said that when it comes to the Arab world we should seek ways to harness them for His glory.
God said the year 2016 is going to be the year of the manifestation of Genesis 16, Genesis 22 and Isaiah 19:23-25 in the same year manifested. Meaning, we are going to see even in the Islamic world, Ishmael in Genesis 16 becoming a reality. Where Ishmael’s hand will be against everyone and everyone’s hand against him, and he will live in hostility toward all his brothers. [Genesis 16:12]
We have seen a bit of that. Do not be surprised if you see intensification. Currently it has just been a fight between Saudi Arabia and Iraq mainly. There might be intensification where even they themselves will get confused. That is because of the manifestation of Genesis 16. I see Genesis 22 because of the covenant of God with Abraham. I can see why this is the final take off into full flight.
For Africa then it means it is going to help us if we really get it right. We would then be the ones who would be the peace makers and also give direction. We are the ones who are equipped to help both the sons of Ishmael and the sons of Isaac. That is Isaiah 19.
There will be at least five presidents on the continent of Africa this year that will begin to lead the way God wants. They will be leading with the welfare of the people at heart. They will be leading with justice. They will be leading with righteousness. They will be leading with truth and integrity.
I have already gotten three locations. One is not far from us.
When it comes to God and He begins to speak like that you either shape up or be shifted out. In fact, shape up or you will be shaken out. No distortions of God’s purposes. It is very important.
I did see if people do not begin to sit up and do the right thing there will be mass protests. I was not only talking about Africa. I was talking about the world. Don’t be surprised if you see quite a bit of that in the West. Some of it will start small and then it will really grow.
What God wants concerning that one is that people would be able to seek Him with the mystery of the secret place of the Most High speaking to them, letting them know what to do, how to direct the rest of the world. The world is looking for direction.
I want to tell you something that is coming out of the secret place of the Most High. It is the power for wealth. There will be restoration, there will be recovery. There will be new foundations for wealth. There will be innovative patterns that will be released. There will be divinely inspired ideas for new frontiers for life and for business generally. Because of that we will have, on the last first day of the week, for the months of January, May, July and October Praise and Worship and Testimony services. These months have five weeks. [During these services] people will give testimonies and they will break out into praise and worship. All of these will be geared towards releasing power for wealth. Not power just for riches. Not power just for money. You are talking of wealth. You are talking of strength. You are talking of God’s ability. You are talking of God’s power. You are talking of God’s army being released. You are talking of God’s health. All of these things are being released. Do not limit God.
Because of what God wants to do, He is [raising a group] called the G8-18. They are going to operate in the spirit of Deuteronomy 8:18. This has to do with the power for wealth.
Deuteronomy 8:18 New International Version
But remember the LORD your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your ancestors, as it is today.
You are talking about a group that is something beyond the regular. There are 224 people in that group. The rest of you can join them. For the G8-18 they are a group to be used by the Lord to become the altars and preservers and activators of the covenant of the eight gates of the society. The 224 will be made up of 8+24+72+120. Others can join them both in prayers and in giving.
It is the year of giving and abundance of grace and power.
On the aspect of the power for wealth, the group of 8 will be people that will give a minimum of $3,000 every month for 2016.
The fund will reach beyond 2016 but not necessarily the contributions. I have already asked the Lord to permit me to be the number one and that leaves seven slots for others. It will be dollars or its equivalent in GHS.
The group of 24 will give a minimum of $1000 per month. The group of 72 will give a minimum of $250 per month. The group of 120 will give a minimum of $120 per month.
The Prophetic Word that came on January 1, 2016 at Logos Rhema Foundation
Excerpts from the Prophetic Word that came on January 1, 2016 through the vessel that God used – Dr. Abu Bako
God said this year was taking off and leaping into full flight. He said He was changing everything and where there had been confusion He was bringing clarity. Where there had been haziness He was bringing clarity. He said He would give signs. There have been clear signs in the weather patterns [here in Accra, Ghana].
Tonight the focus is on Daniel 10:10-21. Tonight we will pray to draw down some things that needed to be drawn down. God is going to give you divine perspective.
God has said this year whatever they have planned against the people of God it shall not stand neither shall it come to pass.
Some of the Africans in the diaspora are coming back and they are going to fast forward, jump start, Africa’s development. That is why there is a leaping and taking off into full flight.
There are some processors that God will also send that might not necessarily be of African descent. They are on God’s assignment and they will come for a season. Some of them will be like Joseph. Some of them will be like Daniel. Like it happened with Joseph in Egypt and Daniel in Babylon they will come not necessarily as people who have been sent as men and women of God. They will be men and women of God on assignment. God is going to do that to His glory.
The Prophetic Word that came on January 3, 2016 at Logos Rhema Foundation in the morning.
Excerpts from the Prophetic Word that came on January 3, 2016 in the morning through the vessel that God used – Dr. Abu Bako
God is doing a new thing. He said the He will make rivers in the desert. Out of our belly will flow rivers of living water. Even when it is in the desert place there will be enough rivers to now cover the desert. Every wilderness is about to be just a passage for you.
Job 42
This message is entitled: Behold I make all things new.
You should have left lack of humility before the Lord in 2015. You should have left looking for ways to play the blame game in 2015.
God said “Behold, I do a new thing. Behold, I make all things new.”
If you receive this as a rhema, that will transform your life this year. What God is about to do at the minimum will be double.
From this day [know] that everything God has taken you through He was preparing you for the real thing. It means that whatever it is that you have seen or you have heard, or you have experienced, or you have touched it was just preparation for a year like this.
This year God is about to release some things to you that you have never dreamt of because you have the capacity.
If there has been anything that somehow has been able to erode your confidence because of the challenges you went through – today I declare restoration of that confidence in the Name of Jesus because God ordained for you to become one of the best that the world has ever seen.
God is arising now and His enemies are being scattered.
You are becoming a carrier and courier of God’s presence, God’s power, God’s function, God’s personality, God’s nature, God’s grace and expressions in all facets, all forms and wherever you go, whatever is there that is not of God will give way.
I see what is happening all over the place according to God’s original plan and purpose. May God multiply your capacity. May God establish what He has ordained for you this year. May you become one of the best that the world has ever seen. May you be a true expression of the faithfulness of God and the greatness of that faithfulness that wherever you go from now on you will be an expression of the fact that the righteous is rewarded in the land of the living. That wherever you go [they will know] that God is sovereign in the affairs of man. When they behold you they see God at work.
Somethings that looked like they were impossible are going to be made possible this year. There are some people that had told you that you would never make it in life. They are going to stand in awe of God.
I hear God say concerning twelve people here that many of you are going to be an expression of Jeremiah 33:9.
1. [Jeremiah 33:9 New International Version
Then this city will bring me renown, joy, praise and honor before all nations on earth that hear of all the good things I do for it; and they will be in awe and will tremble at the abundant prosperity and peace I provide for it.’]
The fact is that they will stand in awe and tremble at the abundant prosperity.
For some of us here this year God is going to establish so much of His presence, His Glory, His power, His abundance, His Grace, His favor in manifestation that people who behold what He has done in my life, in your life, not only in our lives but in our families, not only in our families but in the works of our hands, not only in the works of our hands but in our lands, not only in our lands but in the continent of Africa.
I decree from this day according to the word of the Lord, that men shall stand in awe of the Most High God. Note that He said because of the abundant prosperity and peace. Let the abundant prosperity and peace be released.
May the anointing of David come upon some people here. He lost no battle because He enquired of the Lord every time.
This year is the year of supernatural operation where you have divinely inspired ideas. Where you are doing everything the way God wants and you are pursuing, you are surely over taking and without fail you are recovering all.
This is also the year that you are going to establish divine patterns and new frontiers. Because this is the type of year where we are talking of the supernatural, you must operate consistently keeping in step with the Spirit of God, with the rhema. As you take the rhema it is as good as done.
God said it is a very fast year. That is the reason He said no distractions seven times. This is the first time I have heard [God say] no distractions seven times in the same breath. This means you must make sure that you do not allow anything to distract you. You must know where you are going so you need a rhema from God.
That is the supernatural aspect where you can now get things done. As a result, because of the experience you have now garnered over the years, He is now able to trust you and gives you double the amount of time you had before. [This is] so you can resolve everything that needs to be resolved and establish everything that needs to be established and set patterns that need to be set.
I see God setting new patterns in many areas. God is setting new patterns for governance. God is setting new patterns for business. God is setting new patterns for education.
I saw at least three new areas that God is going to open up educationally for people. There will even be new curricula that will be developed for various aspects of education. This is the year God is going to help some people to develop the right kind of curricula for various branches in the medical field. It is not only for this nation but it is [for] the world over. It is going to take people who hear from God.
God is going to cause some people to develop the right kind of curriculum for the aspect of mindset transformation. I heard God say concerning mindsets that it is one of the challenges that Africa has had. God wants to do a new thing. He wants to do a quick work. He wants Africa
to become the place that will help the rest of the world. In fact, the key place helping the rest of the world. That is why He is bringing new curricula for various aspects that will change mindsets. The way people think concerning marriage. The way people think concerning family life. The way people think concerning business. The way people evaluate a business. The way people evaluate prosperity. The way people evaluate progress. The way people evaluate wealth. I see God bringing about change and it is all in the area of curricula first.
This is why it is going to take about three years before you see full manifestation of the transformation. It is starting this year with curricula.
Each person and each area will have a different curriculum. I see God bringing a lot of changes educationally. Do not start complaining if you see changes in curriculum. God wants to do that for a purpose.
God is going to use Africa to bring a new system of resolution of cases. Originally lawyers were not meant for litigation. Lawyers were trained to ensure that [people] would avoid litigation. Now unfortunately, they are known for litigation. God originally meant for lawyers to be the ones to teach people how to operate properly. That is why [Jesus said in Matthew 23:13] “Woe unto you scribes and Pharisees”. He was addressing the doctors of the law because they were the ones who were to teach people how to enter the kingdom and rather they had shut the door of the Kingdom of heaven and they would not enter and they did not let others enter either. [Fifty to one hundred] years ago lawyers were trained to see how they could avoid having to go to court.
God is saying that there is a new face He is going to give to law and handling cases. He is going to bring in a new way of resolving issues and resolving cases and it going to be introduced from Africa to the rest of the world. It is going to happen and within the next 18 months we will see the first sign. Within the next 32 months it will be evident.
God is talking about curricula in various areas even for children. There will be a way that children will be trained properly. Have you noticed that when children were trained properly – it takes a couple to have a child but it takes a village to raise a child – you had the best communities?
God is about to reintroduce some things. This time it will be better than it was before. This is the issue of Job 42.
God is going to restore. This is the year of restoration. It is the year of recovery and restoration – laying new foundations.
There will be new curricula in the areas of child care and child development.
There are things that are about to be released. There are people that will develop the best curricula that have ever been developed for training children not just teaching children.
God is also releasing new patterns for expressing love the way that He ordained it to be expressed for every member of the household.
God said as many as would be ready to cooperate with one another to hear clearly from Him and to operate more as teams – these people would be catapulted into areas they have never dreamt of. They will be catapulted into areas of operation they have never dreamt of. They will be catapulted into levels of operation that will make the average man begin to wonder whether these things were ever possible. That is because God is about to bring new levels of unity for the family. New levels of unity for teams that hitherto had been disjointed. God is about to bring restoration of harmony.
God is bringing new patterns through curricula that will be developed.
There will be new curricula for media personnel development. God wants to bring people who will be responsible for transformation through the media. It is the Lord’s word that will be published from now on. Psalm 68:11
Psalms 68:11
“The Lord gave the word: great was the company of those that published it.”
God wants to raise people who will not only do responsible journalism and reporting truth but will be development oriented where they will be looking for how holistic the whole thing is. So you are not just looking at the facts of the case, you are not just looking at the facts of the story but [you are looking at] what is making up the story that can help to develop and bring progress to a nation, to a people.
God is going to cause people to develop curricula in the area of the arts especially in music. The days of Handel are about to be reintroduced and they will be better.
It will not just be Handel’s level it will be another level. [Handel’s Messiah was written in a matter of days following a period of fasting.] God has released the grace for that level of operation. The choice is yours as individuals.
New curricula because God is doing something new.
God is about to give you a new capacity to live longer. God is giving you a new capacity to begin to operate with such health and such ability to last longer. When God renews your youth like the eagles there is no ability that He will not give to you. Some of you, by the end of this year you will be looking younger than you have looked in the last ten years.
God is also going to renew your memory. Some of you are going to have sharper memories than you have ever had all your life.
There are some people that will have sharper eye sight than they have had all their lives. There are certain people here that have had challenges. In fact, the enemy had already decreed that you would be blind in the next five years. There are two people who had gotten to the place
where they can hardly see right now. God says by the middle of the year, latest June 30, 2016, you will be seeing better than you have ever seen.
God is serious about the things that He is saying. Thus says the Lord, Behold I do a new thing. It is important for every one of us leaving the service today to be leaving with a new mindset, a new disposition.
The Prophetic Word that came on January 3, 2016 at Logos Rhema Foundation in the evening.
Excerpts from the Prophetic Word that came on January 3, 2016 in the evening through the vessel that God used – Dr. Abu Bako
Whatever God speaks will come to pass. All His promises are sure. It is easier for heaven and earth to pass away than [for one title of the law to fail. Luke 16:17.] That is why it is important for us to embrace His word and give Him praise even before we see the manifestation. The moment He releases the word it is already done. It is only a matter of time for it to slow down to our level.
Tonight everything that God is saying to you, saying to the earth, saying to the nation, saying to the continent has already happened. All we need to do is to work it out. It is the outworking.
Joshua 21:43-45 Amplified
43: So the LORD gave Israel all the land which He had sworn to give to their fathers (ancestors), and they took possession of it and lived in it. 44 The LORD gave them rest [from conflict] on every side, in accordance with everything that He had sworn to their fathers, and not one of all their enemies stood before them [in battle]; the LORD handed over all their enemies to them. 45 Not one of the good promises which the LORD had spoken to the house of Israel failed; all had come to pass.
Joshua 23: 13-15 Amplified
[ 13 know and understand with certainty that the LORD your God will not continue to drive these nations out from before you; but they will be a snare and trap to you, and a whip on your sides and thorns in your eyes, until you perish from this good land which the LORD your God has given you.
14 “Now behold, today I am going the way of all the earth, and you know in all your hearts and in all your souls that not one word of all the good words which the LORD your God has promised concerning you has failed; all have been fulfilled for you, not one of them has failed. 15 It shall come about that just as every good word which the LORD your God spoke and promised to you has [f]been fulfilled for you, so the LORD will bring upon you every bad thing [about which He warned you], until He has destroyed and eliminated you from this good land which the LORD your God has given you. ]
There are certain things that might have been troubling nations including people and groups of people that God is going to now set aside if they do not change.
God is not about to play games with anybody. God has a work to do, especially in the continent of Africa. God has shown me things about certain Presidents, certain individuals, certain governments, certain alliances and various networks of governments that if He releases me to share tonight you will begin to see them come to pass. If He does not release me they will still come to pass.
The Lord gave to Israel the land that He had sworn to give to their fathers. There are certain families here that have not seen one tenth of what God had promised their ancestors because some individual came and completely skewed things into a different direction for the family. The family has been robbed of its inheritance. God is about to bring the family back into her inheritance.
Even in Moago [a place in Ghana], that you are talking about – the priestly anointing in that place is gradually going to be restored to the original. It is going to take about three years and things are going to change whether the dragon likes it or not. Not one of all our enemies or most importantly the Lord’s enemies, in our lives, in our families, in our neighborhoods, in our communities, in our cities, in our nations, in our continent will ever be able to withstand us this year in the Name of the Lord Jesus.
Title for this message: All came to pass. Joshua 23: 14 & 15
At the end of 2016 you will say all have come to pass.
When you receive a rhema word and you believe it then it is done. For the year 2016 and the years ahead of us whatever God says when you receive it you now ask the Lord what you would have me do. That is very important. So that whatever is supposed to be a personal revelation to me I receive. Be in a prayer mode. Ask God what He is saying to you, to your nation, to your family, to the continent, to the world, to the government, to the various institutions.
This is what God wants us to do. This is how you respond to the word. You come expecting. Your level of expectation will determine the level of reception.
Every word of God is full of the power of accomplishment within it.
From today whatever rhema God gives you, you just need to embrace it and say “Let it be to me according to your rhema. Now I am your handmaiden. Now I am your servant. Whatever you want me to do tell me and I will do it.”
Tonight is a night of releasing His word on the earth and into lives so that they will come into manifestation and fruition. You just listen to Him and He will bring to pass whatever He has spoken.
There are some of you that have had prophecies over your lives for a long time and they have not come to pass. They are coming to pass this year.
God is saying this year things for nations that have been held back for over four decades, some four centuries – that means forty years some four hundred years- are about to be released this year. They shall come to pass whether the dragon likes it or not.
There are certain things that God wants to do with the nations of Africa that looked impossible in the past that God is bringing to pass this year.
When it comes to the nations of Africa quite a few are going to pop up with a lot of progress that people will not be able to get a handle on it. There will be some things people cannot put value on. There will be those things they will put value on with inadequate systems of measuring and evaluating. With those that they can quantify they will see that it has gone beyond the regular.
For the next two and a half years God is going to make quite a few African nations leap frog economically. It is going to happen and nobody will be able to stand in the way of what God wants done. It is not about Africa per say. It is because God wants to use that in the nations that are ready to do His bidding to now bring nations around the world to Him.
The purpose of [God] creating nations is so that they might seek Him in the first place according to Acts 17:27. God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us]
Nations are supposed to be seeking God. That is why He made them.
The reason why God is going to prosper quite a few nations this year not only economically but in many respects is because God wants to turn around many nations who have been groping and they will finally find their way.
Within the next three years God is going to make Africa an example for many other nations. The latest in the 35th month Africa will be a clear example in at least four areas. [This will be] in the 35th month from today.
When you hear God speaking like that He is very serious about certain things that He is about to release.
Concerning the continent of Africa, this is the year that He is dealing with ancient covenants that have been undermining the purposes of God on the continent. Do not be surprised if you hear a few things being cleared out in many respects. That is why for many nations including the nation of Nigeria in three locations He is shaking out the very serious foundations of evil.
I saw angels go into such places. God is going to deal with these foundations. God is literally sending some angels to destroy whatever needs to be destroyed.
Even for Ghana, there are things that God is going to deal with in various centers. For Ghana, because of what God wants to do there are five different locations that the angels are visiting. These things will be sorted out permanently for God’s glory.
One of the things I saw was the fact that the President of the nation had more or less been taken captive by four different groups – two religious groups – one traditional group – and one occult group. They were just messing a lot of things up.
The President has a short while to now align with what the Lord wants then he will be delivered from the hands of these people.
What is there to realize is that God is greater than any and all of us put together. It is very important for all of us to understand that.
God wants to bring Ghana back to the original purpose for Ghana. Ghana is supposed to be one of those nations that will propel Africa into her destiny. God is about to bring that into full manifestation and fruition. This will be the beginning this year. Because God is serious about that if there is any man, any woman, who poses as a man of God, that would stand in God’s way, God will remove him or her.
There are things that will happen that will astound some people. When it comes to God, God is beyond and all of us put together.
There are certain people that had decided that they were going to wreak havoc on the nation of Ghana. But not only the nation of Ghana, they had decided to do it against Nigeria, against Ghana, against South Africa, against Kenya, against Somalia, against Sudan, against even Eritrea which should have been something already under their control talking of Islamic people.
God is going to say no, enough is enough.
When it comes to some of the others that have gone in their shrines and in their groves and their hiding places. Some even meeting by the riverside in the Western Region [of Ghana]. I see you right now. God says if you do not stop He is going to come and deal with your entire system. And destroy it. Do not be surprised if you hear of lightening striking all kinds of places including the Northern Region [of Ghana].
There is a place in Sankasi, I have never been there physically, which is in the NE corner of Ghana that people have been going to, to do things and literally enslaving three nations at the same time. They are determining the destiny of three nations right there, the nations of Ghana, Togo and Burkino Faso.
God is going to judge whatever the enemy is trying to do in that place. He will shoot forth His arrows, His thundering and lightening and anything that needs to be released from heaven to deal with the very roots of evil. Be warned in case you know some of the people there, your family members. Let them know that He is not joking. He is God. He is the owner of everything.
God is shaking nations. In fact, when it comes to the area of God using what people call national disasters, there will be an intensification especially in the Northern hemisphere when it comes to the aspect of water and wind. In the Southern hemisphere [it will be] fire and wind.
There will come a time when the third element will be added to both hemispheres. That is when what was missing in the previous era will not come. Meaning for example, if God uses the (first two water and wind) for the first half and there is no repentance then (fire) will be added by the
time you are getting to the second half. That should be a sign for anyone who is hearing from God that is ready to do the bidding of the Lord to say Lord what would you have us do now to now harness the harvest into your kingdom?
That is what God is saying in essence. It is very important for everyone to realize that when it comes to what He wants to do this year there are some glorious things that will be released also. It is not just about judgement, judgement, judgement. A lot of good things are about to be released. This is the time finally when the growth rates that people have not experienced or have just had a foretaste of, will be released upon the continent of Africa and some few nations around the world especially in Latin America and Asia. This is because of the things God wants to do. He will give an example with two that are not aligned with either of these two continents or areas.
The Lord is going to give innovative ideas and innovative patterns to people so that they will be able to bring nations out of the doldrums. This is what God is releasing for this year.
There are certain things that God will release that have to do with nations especially of the north. God has already spoken concerning Russia, Turkey, Iran, Iraq and a few other places concerning what He wants to do and the shakings. Now there are certain aspects that had to do with these nations wanting to use energy to manipulate. God decided to weaken them but the people who thought that they controlled the world decided to use it in their estimation for their advantage. In fact, many of you do not realize that even in the physical when it comes to the whole thing about oil – at some point people started the fracking and they thought everything was going to go well. So much so that within a short time in North Dakota in the US they had 200 companies. Within six months only 90 are left. This was just a sign.
God was telling me that was a sign God was giving last year. He is now going to shake whatever people have trusted in. If you think you are the most powerful nation, whatever you have trusted in God is going to shake the very foundation of that unless you begin to acknowledge Him as God. There will be a time when He will let you use it for the fulfillment of His purposes for the end time prophecies – for the manifestation of the man of sin. From now until 2020 He is going to begin to shake.
The armies of heaven are about to be released and unleashed for quite a few things to be accomplished for the Body of Christ that is ready to stand. That is why for every gate of society He has asked us to raise an altar that will become like a launching pad for the nations.
That means for families there will be angels that are assigned to families that have never been utilized or activated. They will be activated this year.
For some of you the enemy has placed a death sentence on your life. It is time for you to tell them “not when my angel is here. You will be cut down before you get here.”
Families that were supposed to have been wiped out by the end of the year – God has released angels that will wipe out whatever was supposed to wipe you out.
That is why God gave you this word concerning the rhema. So you would know how to receive it then it would now work on your behalf.
[Time of prayers for individuals]
Whatever it is that the enemy has used as a conspiracy against you that conspiracy shall be broken. It is settled in the Name of Jesus.
[Prayer for the President of Ghana]
His life needs to be preserved. His life is in danger. We will pray to let the counsel of the Lord stand.
This year you should concentrate more on what God has said. This year God wants us to get into a new level of intimacy with Him so that we can concentrate more on what He has said over the years and now dig them out and begin to proclaim them and begin to thank Him rather than [focusing] on what the devil is doing.
That means you might see some negative things but do not waste your time with the negative things. Remember this is the first time in my life I have heard God say to me seven times – No Distractions. He did say that some seemingly good things will be brought your way and if He is not the one telling you do not get distracted by them. They enemy might want to distract you so that you do not get absorbed by that seemingly good thing and you miss the original. The other aspect is that while you are distracted grounds you should have gained [you will lose]. You will lose so much grounds that by the time you now regain your concentration you will be so far behind that you will have to really fight before you can catch up if at all. It is very important that you do not get distracted.
There ae some of you that He has given specific instructions to do things that you have not done. You were looking for ways to get them done. You were looking at it from the perspective of man [asking] Where am I going to get the money from? Where am I going to get this and that from? God says if you would just stay in His presence and ask Him then He will tell you. Staying in His presence does not necessarily mean you have to go into fasting. You just concentrate on Him. Every time your mind will be stayed on Him. Then He will tell you what you ought to do and a lot of things will change.
Those of you who have been misled by false prophesies, God is going to retrieve you this year and you must also make a covenant with Him not to listen to prophesies that you have not cross checked with Him. Cross check with Him and make sure that they are from Him. Do not despise prophecy. Check all things and hold on to what is good.
There is a situation where a true prophet gave a false prophecy.
This is the year of greater intimacy with God. Where God will show you what to do and some of the things that He had spoken over your life many years ago that had never come to pass will surely come to pass. You have to find out from [God] how to go about it. Not the way of looking for things the way people look for things.
Sometimes you say “Where am I going to get the money from?” “Who will help me?” Just ask Him, “Lord what will you have me do?” Leave the rest to Him.
One of the things God said concerning the year is that He is going to transform the way we think. For many of us it is our mindsets that have undermined His work in our lives. When you come to Him, especially during those periods of fasting you need to ask God for transformation of mindsets. Mindset transformation that would change your disposition and your worldview during these periods of fasting.
I now understand why by the end of the year we would have read through the Bible 14 times.
God said that this is the year He is going to shake the foundations of Satanic governmental structures. There were certain things that were put in place to oppose His work. Remember Jesus said to Peter – Jesus turned and said to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns”. Matthew 16:23 when [Peter] had said that [Jesus] cannot go to Jerusalem and die. Meaning that there are certain governmental structures that are not of God. They are actually hindering the move of God. God is going to deal a death blow to some of them. Not all of them. [He will do this] so that the original pattern will emerge.
That is why some of you need to go and download some things. Some of us will do it to His glory in the Name of Jesus.
Even weather patterns will be changing every now and then.
There are five western nations that both people who are sitting and those that are yet to enter – God has given some window of opportunity for the people to finally yield to Him. If they do not [yield] then for some of them sickness and disease might keep them from continuing in one case and in the other case, in another nation all together, the sickness will keep the person from entering into the office even if the person were to contest.
There are things that God is going to do to shake America. My prayer is that those of you in America that are listening right now will do everything in your power to pray and hear from God how to avert some of the judgements coming. There are some things that will happen that are called national disasters. There are other things that had been planned, not by God. There were planned by the enemy but God will allow them if we do not pray. [These things] were supposed to deal a death blow to America that would be worse than 2001.
My prayer is that the Body of Christ will arise there and begin to stand in the gap. One of the things I saw is that the Body of Christ has gotten so disenchanted with the current system that they had decided that they would rather let the judgement come. But that is not what God wants. [It is that you] should pray for the peace of the nation so that in her peace you would have your peace. So the word of God would not be hindered. We know that both from Jeremiah and 1 Timothy 2. Make sure we are doing it God’s way. Otherwise, even those of you that think “yes let the judgment come”, you might not be able to stand when some of the things are released into manifestation,
Concerning some of the people that have been posing as men of God, God is going to expose those who are not true men and women of God. It is not only for one nation. It is for quite a number of nations and it is literally going to happen on every continent this year. Every continent is going to have that experience except for the artic regions.
In the area of business and the economy God spoke about new patterns and there is also going to be fresh revelations of areas that people thought could be business areas and they will be areas that man cannot do without. It seems it never occurred to quite a number of people. There will be three such before the end of the year.
The aspect that has to do with science and technology – there will be new discoveries. In fact not only in terms of new discoveries of way of doing things, of making things, there will be new discoveries of new species of creatures. God will show things beyond dark matter before the end of the year. [Dark matter is a hypothetical kind of matter that cannot be seen with a telescope but accounts for most of the matter in the universe. From Wikipedia].
For those of you who are scientists and technologists there are things that God will show you that will help you to see why human beings at certain levels are able to pass through solid objects. Scientifically some things will be unraveled.
There will be something that is beyond nanotechnology that will be unveiled. MEDIA
It is important that this year every media personnel understand that media is for the
development of the whole person – spirit, soul and body. Because of that God is going to help those who are ready to now look for new ways of helping man to develop through media. Some of you have received ideas that are related to that for media outfits. There is a group of three people in America – I do not know you personally – but as you listen to this whether directly now or later when you see it in whichever format – I see that God will enable you to see it – you have been looking to start a platform to do that. God says He is going to prosper it you just keep in step with His Spirit. Not only those ones in America, God is saying that there will be at least five groups in different locations in the world like that. Meaning that there are four other groups that God is raising. There are a few people in this place today that God has given similar ideas. [That is, ideas] that are quite close but not exactly the same. Just go ahead and develop it you never know how far God could take it.
I can see the fact that there will be three African nations that will cooperate at the same time. People from there will be able to float something that will be an example for the rest of the world in that respect of how you can use media to develop nations.
I see that God is bringing people to a new level of expression in communication abilities. There are some of you that have found it difficult to express yourselves. God is going to give you the ability to express yourself fluently, freely, fully, accurately and adequately. God is going to do that this year. All you need to do is just wait on Him. When He gives you the signal, go. Be ready to kick off.
When it comes to arts, sports and culture God has already spoken concerning music. He is giving new patterns where music will be used to lay foundations of nations, companies, businesses and cities. Companies with economic activity or not. God will help us to lay foundations for nations through music. Even for the earth the foundations were laid in the atmosphere of music. Job 38:4-7.
There are things God is showing. [He called several musicians forward and addressing them he said] – If you would listen closely enough there are things that will change the banking industry through music. There are songs that God has begun to show you to write. Arrangements that will be instrumentals that will be played in banking halls around the world. Two of you standing here, your music will be played on planes. It is going to take more than just doing the things you have been doing. [These here] are just being used as samples. You may be sitting here and God is doing some things with you. God has spoken to some of you to write specific hymns, songs and you have said – “ I don’t have a tune.” That is not your business. Write what He said you should write. There are some of you God has given you the ability to sing and literally you would transform situations in people’s lives and you have stopped doing that for quite a long time. God wants to restore you.
[Prayer for those in the arts]
[Prayer for those in the area of construction]
There are angels I saw that have been released that will give some of you patterns for designing and constructing things that had to do with houses and other areas of construction. Anything that has to do with construction, God is releasing some things. There are fresh expressions that are being released right now.
There are things God wants to do with some people but He will not be able to do it if you keep compromising.
You say how do I do it if I don’t compromise? He will give you the way to go about it. When it comes to Him, He knows what He is doing. What He is about to introduce He would not want man to take glory for it. Let no man be able to say if it were not for me you could not have gotten this. There are five of you that have gotten in murky waters. Two of such people are actually in very tight corners now. God says He will deliver you. He will honor you if you will decide from now to say “God Ok I am sorry I had to compromise because I thought that was the only way.
Now show me the way.” And He will show you. It does not matter where you are in the world – there is hardly any nation that does not have corruption. If you just come to God He says He will deliver you.