November derived its name from the Latin word “Novem” meaning (9). It is the ninth 9th month of the Biblical sacred calendar (the month Cheshvan), the second 2nd month according to the civil calendar 5777 and the eleventh 11th month according to the Gregorian calendar. Though it became the 11th month, it retained its name when January and February were added to the Roman calendar.
MarCheshvan (sometimes called Cheshvan) is the second month of the Jewish calendar counting from Rosh Hashanah. Cheshvan is the only month that does not have any holidays. Jews are taught that it is “reserved” for the time of Messiah, who will inaugurate the Third Temple in the month of Cheshvan.
The great flood in the days of Noah began in this month, and it was a year later, also in the month of Cheshvan, that Noah left the ark.
October, November and December constitute the last quarter of the year following the Roman Gregorian calendar. It is the fall season moving into the winter. Except for human activity, the rest of creation is drying off, dying or falling away or going into hibernation in preparation for rest and recuperation during the long winter period. It’s the season when the seed must fall to the ground and begin to die (John 12:24). Only the barest necessities for survival remain and minimal energy is utilized.
During this period, there is heightened spiritual activity both for evil and for good. There are a few instances during the Bible times that indicate this. It was during the 9th month that the children of Israel led by Ezra brought repentance and restitution before Jehovah for marrying foreign wives (Ezr 10.9). During that same month Prophet Jeremiah received a prophecy concerning Jehovah’s judgment over Israel. It was a time of fasting. When King Jehoiakim heard the prophecy read from a scroll he rejected it and burnt it up (Jer 36:9,22). Prophet Haggai received significant words from Jehovah (Hag 2:10,18) concerning blessings for a defiled people. Prophet Zechariah also received a word from Jehovah during Cheshvan concerning Jehovah’s greater interest in justice and mercy rather than fasting/sacrifice.
On the 1st & 2nd November “All Saints” and “All Souls Day” are celebrated in honor of the dead (All Hallowmas). A time when the occult all over the world activate the mysteries of the graveyard to control, manipulate or destroy destinies.
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