Praying Through The Month Of July 2014
This year 5774 being a leap year with an intercalary month of Adar II included, the month of July will occur during the fourth (4th) Biblical sacred calendar month called TAMMUZ. It will be the eleventh (11th) month in the Biblical Civil calendar. July is the seventh (7th) month of the Gregorian Calendar.
In the ancient Roman calendar, July was the fifth month so it was called “Quintilis mensis” in Latin, meaning “fifth month”. March was the beginning month of the year before it was changed to January. The name “Quintilis” was changed to “Julius” in honour of Julius Caesar who was born in the that fifth month, and was the one who assigned 31 days to the month in the year 46 BC, hence the name JULY.
July is the warmest month in most of the northern hemisphere where it is the 2nd month of summer and the coldest, in much of the southern hemisphere where it is the 2nd month of winter.
The greatest religious observance of the Islamic calendar, the fasting season of Ramadan 2014 will commence on the New moon of 29 June until 28 July 2014.
The Hebrew holiday of Tzom Tammuz, begins at dawn on Tue, 15 July 2014 (17th Tammuz). The fast of the 17th of Tammuz, known as Shivah Asar B’Tammuz, is the start of a three-week mourning period for the destruction of Jerusalem and the two Holy Temples. During those weeks the Jewish adherents mourn the loss of the vision of Israel as a holy nation set apart for the LORD.
UnGODly mythology around this month has to do with the festival of Tammuz. The summer solstice on June 21st commenced the festival of Tammuz derived from the mythology of a sun-god who is in charge of fertility. In Egypt he was known as Osiris, to the Greeks he was called Adonis (a name derived from the Phoenician and Hebrew word for “lord”). His consort or spouse was the goddess Ishtar (Astarte or Ashtoreth, Venus).
Adonis’ death is believed to set off the onset of winter while his restoration symbolizes the return of the sun. Celebrations marking this started off with lamentation and was followed with wild revelry. The 4th month Tammuz which commences on 29th June was dedicated to him.
The second half of the year commences in July.
- Command the gates of the 2nd half of 2014 to be lifted up that the King of glory may be ushered into all gates of society in your territory (Psa 24)
- Prophesy to the gates of this month that they will only allow that which praises the LORD to enter, and the walls of this month to allow only that which brings salvation, redemption, justice and righteousness. Prophesy this into every gate and wall that you inhabit including your home, place of occupation and the territory at large (Isaiah 60:18-20)
- Declare that only the people of peace will enter through the gates of this coming month. Every power that foments violence is hereby shut out of this new season by Jehovah Shalom’s angels. Isa 60.17b-18a
- Speak to the gates of the month of July and command them to report to you what the days ahead hold. Ask the LORD to open your ears to hear, give you seeing eyes, a comprehending mind and a discerning heart to be alert to any signs from Him, which will give you direction as to what is happening in the days ahead. (Isa 30:20-21)
- Speak to the womb of this month and declare that every moment of it is dedicated to Jahovah. It was created for His pleasure, and to mark the times and seasons. Each day is for man to rejoice and be glad in Jehovah and not to any demon-deity of this season. Declare that all other gods must bow before Jesus the King of kings and LORD of lords in this season. Command all creation to reject every devotion that is given to Adonis, or Osiris or any other name they are referred by. Psa 118.24, Psa 19.1-2, Rev 4.11. Isa 44.6-8.
- Thankfulness is a powerful characteristic. In this season as you reflect on the first half of the year, count your blessings and those in your territory. Take time to just focus on the goodness of the LORD. Even where you need to repent of sinfulness and shortcomings, thank the LORD that He could love someone with the issues that you have in your life. Focus on His love, goodness and acceptance of you in the beloved.
- Ask the Holy Spirit to keep you focused on the goodness of the LORD. As you cultivate a thankful disposition, then you will magnify Him, and make Him greater than any challenge that you may be facing in this season. Rom 1.21, Heb 12.28, Col 2.7, 3.15-16, 4.2 Psa 100, 1 Thess 5.18
- Number 4 is a number of a type of completion. We will focus on the fourth day of creation (Gen 1:14-19) when the lights in the heavens were created . Thank the LORD for this season of revelation knowledge. Though there was light created on the first day, these lights were specific and had laws in them to rule the day and night and mark the times and seasons. Pray for specific illumination, revelation knowledge concerning who you are, who the Ekklesia is before the LORD in this season.
- On a regular basis, minister to yourself proclaim and pray through these scriptures on how the LORD sees you Zeph3.17, Psa 16.3, 23, Prov 8.30-31 Eph 1.3-12, 2.6-10, Rom 6.8, Rom 8.32, 2 Cor 5.17-18, Tit 3.7, Heb 10.10,14, 1 Pet 2.9, 1 Joh 4.17, 5.1,14-15,
The number 7 is a type of perfection, and completion. It is the number that stands for the Sabbath when the LORD finalized all of creation and rested from His work because it was complete. He would never need to create another atom of oxygen or another species of animal. He was done with the universe as it is to date.
- The Sabbath was a type and shadow of the actual rest and trust in the LORD to provide everything that is necessary for life and godliness. Man who was created on the 6th day began his existence on the Sabbath. The 7th day never ceased. There was no “evening and morning” to mark its end. It is a perpetual rest that man was created to operate in. He did not have to toil but to multiply, replenish, tend and keep that which was created. Pray that in this season you will comprehend the purpose of the Sabbath as a characteristic disposition of trusting the LORD, reigning and ruling with Him in life; rather than a day of inactivity within the week.
Read Heb 3.7-4.11. In the Old Testament, the LORD continually displayed His faithfulness to provide for Israel in the wilderness but they refused to believe, trust and reign with Him. They refused to enter the Promised Land to reign over it, they refused to believe Him despite all His provisions, miracles signs and wonders and perpetual presence.
In the New Testament, this has to do with renewing our minds that He has already anticipated every need and counted every cost when He lay down His life to restore us to an Edenic status, to the Promised Land again. When we operate outside of that status of rest, salvation, health, prosperity, ruling and reigning with Him in life, then we become like the Israelites in the wilderness.
- The LORD admonishes us to LABOUR to enter into the rest He has for us. It is not easy to change your mindset or renew it. It is HARD. The only labor you are called to, is this one, of having a paradigm shift, a new world-view, a new mentality that He can trust in every situation, to bring you through and cause you to operate as more than a victor. Ask the Holy Spirit through the Word, communion with Him, and fellow brethren to help you start this journey of entering into His rest as a lifestyle.
- The number 11 has to do with disorder, disorganization, imperfection, and disintegration. (2 Kings 23:36 – 24:1-4). This signifies a type of preparation season. As uneventful as your life may seem physically, spiritually, as you labor to enter His rest, the LORD is at work. He is renewing you, restoring you so you go the second half with a full tank. Be still as He fixes you and know He is in control. He already anticipated this season. Ask Him for His solution and how you can bring it to physical fruition in your life. Psa 46.10, Isa 48.10
- 2014 was prophesied to be a year of individual and territorial preparation. There is a level of preparedness that we need to attain to as individuals and in our territories. Preparation is not usually very sweet and orderly. There is shaping, chiseling, pruning, uprooting, molding, melting, planting and a general reconstruction to ensure that which is being prepared is fit for use in the appointed time. Have you been stretched? You will increase capacity. Pray for grace during this season of preparation, that you will become all that the LORD will have you be when the appointed time comes for your use in His kingdom timetable. 2 Tim 2.20-21
- Have you questioned the LORD’s process? Did you, the pot, question the Potter as to what He was making? Go back and ask the LORD to show you how to be a yielded vessel for Him to make you valuable for use in His house. Rom 9.20-22
- Sometimes the season of disintegration and preparation can be a season of silence. The years before Jesus was born are referred to as the 400 silent years. They were not silent in the spirit realm. The LORD was preparing something significant and life-changing. Pray that the LORD will help you to understand your seasons of lull, seasons when all seems very chaotic and disintegrated. Pray that you will not stop and get discouraged especially in areas were the LORD has clearly spoken into your life concerning any matter and it seems to have gone very quiet. There are seasons of silence. Pray for a deeper understanding of the place of various silences in your life, worship and in the Ekklesia. Lam 3:26-33, Rev 8:1
- Declare Habakkuk 3:17-19 over your life and territory.
- This month is one for flowering in anticipation for coming fruitfulness. Pray that you will enter into a season of flowering. Pray that the Lord will bring destiny helpers and divine connections who will “pollinate” your spirit, the work of your hands, with whom you will do likewise in order to bear fruit for the second half of the year. (Gen 9:1,7, Lev 26:9)
- Rev 22:2 The trees of life bear 12 season of fruit every month of the year. Pray that you will receive every fruit for the 4th, 7th and 11th months. Pray this for the kingdom citizens in your territory.
- Pray also that you will partake of the healing released from the leaves of these trees for this season. Pray that every physical bodily healing, emotional and spiritual healing, financial healing, economic healing, marital and relational healing required for this coming month will be released to you in its fullness. Pray this for Kingdom citizens in the territory.
- Is this the month of your birth? Praise the LORD that you were manifested at such a time as this; and in such a season. Declare Is 49.1-2
- Prophesy that all the virtues of the number 4,7 and 11 will be manifest in your life in this season.
- Proclaim and meditate on Psalm 139 on your birthday and praise Jehovah for His faithfulness to handle every area of your life with great foresight.
- Pray that the virtues of the Jubilee; restoration, return to inheritance, rejoicing, repentance, rebuilding, will be made manifest in every aspect of your life and occupation as you enter another year of your life. Isa 60
A separate prayer guide specifically to pray through this season has been sent. Prepare to step up your intercessions in this season.
During this month, Israel and people of Jewish extraction begin the season of three weeks of mourning. It commences on 17 of Tammuz with a fast. The fast actually commemorates five tragic events that occurred on this date: 1. Moses broke the tablets when he saw the Jewish people worshipping the Golden Calf. 2. During the Babylonian siege of Jerusalem, the Jews were forced to cease offering the daily sacrifices due to the lack of sheep. 3. Apostomos burned the holy Torah 4. An idol was placed in the Holy Temple. 5. The walls of Jerusalem were breached by the Romans, in 69 CE, after a lengthy siege. (Three weeks later, after the Jews put up a valiant struggle, the Romans destroyed the second Holy Temple on the 9th of Av). They generally mourn the loss of the vision of Israel as a Holy nation to the LORD.
- Read Isa 6.8-13 Joh 12.40, Acts 28.26, Rom 11.8-26 Israel may have been cut off for a season so that all other nations may be grafted into the Kingdom of Jehovah. Thank the LORD for His generous love to all the gentiles that even before Jesus died, Israel was already laid down so that gentiles could be grafted into the kingdom.
- During this season, pray that as many Jews as are seeking the LORD will find Him as He reveals Himself to them during this season of mourning.
- Pray that as the times of the gentiles come to its fullness, many Jewish brethren will receive an opening of their blind eyes and unstopping of their ears to see and hear their Savior and Redeemer Jesus.
- Proclaim Nehemiah 8.10 over Israel in this season; that the joy of the LORD will be the strength of as many as will turn to Him and seek His face for solutions and direction.
- Proclaim Isa 45.17, Isa 59.20, Jer 30.17-22, 31.1,37, Joel 2.32 concerning the eventually salvation of Israel and the Jewish brethren.
Nations of the 10/40 Window
During this season we continue to pray for over 100 cities of the 10/40 window. Jehovah’s strategy is to stretch the Rod (Word) of God over the territory. It means we make Scriptural proclamations to contend with chants and proclamations going out from that region to the various demon deities worshipped in the 10/40 window territories.
- Pray for Jesus’s visitation to individuals and people groups in the following cities using the proclamations in the updated publication “Praying Thru the 10/40 Window”.
- While focus is on the 10/40 window territories, include your own territory and other trouble spots and all lawlessness as you proclaim the Word of the LORD as law over every gate of society on a regular basis:
- N’Djamena meaning “We rested” capital of Chad belief Islam/Christian
- Kano meaning unknown city in Kano State Nigeria belief Islam/Animism
- Conakry meaning unknown capital of Guinea belief Islam/Animism
- Gaza meaning “stronghold, Fortified” city of Gaza Strip belief Islam/Judaism
- Ankara meaning “Narrow rocky gorge” city in Turkey belief Islam
- Doha meaning “half circle” city in Qatar belief Islam
- Hohhot meaning “green city” city in China inner Mongolia belief atheism/Chinese religions
- Bandar Seri Begawan meaning unknown, city in Brunei belief Islam/Chinese religions/animism
- Tokyo/Yokohama meaning “Eastern Capital/By the beach” capital of Japan belief Shintoism/Buddhism
- Wuhan is an acronym of 3 cities Wuchang (Wu), Hanyang & Hankou (Han) city in China Hubei Province belief atheism/Chinese religions
- Beijing meaning “northern capital” city in China belief atheism/Chinese religion
- Kabul meaning “Straw Bridge” or “Cain” or “ruins”, city in Afghanistan belief Islam
- Varansi meaning “city between two rivers” city in Uttar Pradesh Province India belief Hindu/Islam
- Jaipur meaning “City of Victory” city in Rajasthan Province India belief Hindu/Islam
Malawi Jubilee
Kindly refer to the Malawi Jubilee Foundations Prayer guide for a more detailed prayer direction or that nation as she enters her jubilee on 6 July 2014.
National Days
The following nations experience national days in this month
- British Virgin Islands 1 July
- Burundi 1 July 1960 (independence from Belgium)
- Rwanda 1 July 1960 (Independence from Belgium)
- Canada 1 July (Canada Day, Canada a confederation of four provinces in 1867)
- Hong Kong 1 July (Transfer of sovereignty to the PRC in 1997)
- Cayman Islands 1st week in July
- Belarus 3 July (Liberation of Minsk from German occupation by Soviet troops in 1944)
- Isle of Man (usually) 5 July (Tynwald Day, Tynwald (parliament) annual meeting)
- United States 4 July (Independence Day, declaration of independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain in 1776)
- Venezuela 5 July (Declaration of independence from Spain in 1811)
- Comoros 6 July (Independence from France in 1975)
- Malawi 6 July (Independence from the United Kingdom in 1964)
- Solomon Islands 7 July (Independence from United Kingdom in 1978)
- Argentina 9 July (Declaration of Independence, from Spain in 1816)
- Palau 9 July (Constitution Day, the world’s first nuclear-free constitution 1981 (“nuclear-free” dropped in 1994 in order to become an associated state to the United States (Compact of Free Association)
- Bahamas 10 July (Independence from the United Kingdom in 1973)
- Mongolia 11 July (Declaration of independence from China in 1921)
- Kiribati 12 July (Independence from the United Kingdom in 1979)
- São Tomé and Príncipe 12 July (Independence from Portugal in 1975)
- Northern Ireland 12 July (Battle of the Boyne Day)
- Montenegro 13 July (recognized as independent at the Congress of Berlin 1878)
- New Caledonia (France) 14 July (Bastille Day)
- France 14 July (Bastille Day)
- Martinique (France) 14 July (Bastille Day)
- Martinique (France) 14 July (Bastille Day )
- Réunion (France) 14 July Bastille Day
- Mayotte (France) 14 July (Bastille Day)
- St Pierre and Miquelon (France) 14 July (Bastille Day)
- French Guyana (France) 14 July (Bastille Day)
- French Polynesia (France) 14 July (Bastille Day)
- Colombia 20 July (Independence from Spain in 1810)
- Belgium 21 July (Proclaimed independence from the Netherlands: Leopold of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld takes the oath as first king of the Belgians in 1831)
- Guam (US) 21 July (Liberation Day, Americans landing on Guam 1944, the
- beginning of the Battle_of Guam_(1944))
- Curacao (Netherlands) 2 July
- Egypt 23 July (The revolution of 1952), 6 October (Arab-Israeli War 1973)
- Puerto Rico (US) 25 July (Constitution Day, establishment of Commonwealth of
- Puerto Rico 1952)
- Liberia 26 July (Proclamation of the Republic: independence from the United States in 1847)
- Peru 28 July (Declaration of independence from Spain in 1821)
- Faroe Islands (Denmark) 29 July (Ólavsøka (Saint Olaf’s death at the Battle of Stiklestad
- Vanuatu 30 July (Independence from United Kingdom and France in 1980)
- Forty-two nations and territories will celebrate various national days during this month. Thank the LORD that HE is the Governor of all nations Psa 22.28.
- Using Acts 17:26-28, pray into the womb of time for the above nations. Thank Jehovah that He is the one who determined the boundaries of each nation at an exact time and season during a particular year for the purpose of redeeming each of these nations and causing men to seek Him and find Him.
- Pray that Jehovah will raise apostolic and prophetic leaders in every sphere of society who will shape and direct the affairs of the nation for the purpose of God.
- Pray that the Jehovah Shalom, the favor of God will rest upon the inhabitants of each of these nations as they mark a jubilee milestone on their national days.
- Thank the LORD for the Body of Jesus represented in each of the above nations. Pray for renewed compassion for the lost and zeal to reach out to them with the gospel.
- There is growing hunger and unrest among young people in the nations as moral boundaries are broken to allow for everything and anything in pursuit of happiness. Pray that in each of the above nations, young people’s hunger will draw them to Jehovah. Only He can satisfy the void in every lost soul.
- As the youth seek Him pray that there will be a Holy Spirit revival in these territories and a turning away from relativism to moral absolutes in every gate of society.
- Pray that as the various gatherings occur for national celebrations, the Shalom of Jehovah will brood over these territories, and there shall be no disasters.
National Elections
- 9 July 2014 Cook islands parliamentary elections
- 9 July 2014 Indonesia Presidential elections
- 20 July 2014 Thailand house of reps elections
- 10 August Turkey Presidential elections
- 24 August 2014 Turkey presidential elections
- 5 September 2014 St Maarten parliamentary elections
- 12 September 2014 Montserrat General elections
- 14 September 2014 Sweden house of assembly elections
- 17 September 2014 Fiji House of representatives elections
- 18 September Scotland referendum (Part of UK)
- 20 September 2014 New Zealand house of representatives elections
- 28 September 2014 Switzerland referendum
- Continue to lift up the nations that are going into elections in the second half of this year that Jehovah Shalom will overshadow the nations and that the LORD’s men and women will be raised up in this season especially considering the word that the LORD released that He is raising women in the caliber of Queen Esther into positions of leadership. Pray that this reality will be reflected in the above nations in various positions of governance.
- Pray that the Body of Christ will have a strong voice in representing the kingdom in the national matters.
- Pray against the party spirit that breeds division in the Body of Christ whenever election seasons come.
The LORD has ways through which He communicates with and endeavors to reveal His purposes and plans for all of creation despite their belief systems – this is through the heavens. There is nothing that is not exposed to the heavens. The heavens continually declare and make proclamations (Psa 19.1-2).
He created the heavens and gave them their role in creation – to determine the times and seasons on earth and to give Him pleasure (Gen 1:14-18, Rev 4.11). It is important for every kingdom citizen to gain sound Biblical understanding of the heavens and know our role as stewards of Jehovah Adonai’s estate toward them – not the ungodly astrology, horoscope and other occult practices.
Once we acquire His ordained knowledge for the heavens, we will be able to set up their dominion here on earth (Job 38:31-33). Remember that in Mathew 28:18-20 Jesus commissioned the fledgling Ekklessia with all the authority given to Him to go out into all nations and disciple them. This authority included that which is in heaven and on earth. It is our duty to answer in the affirmative, the question that Job was asked concerning the visible firmament in Job 38:31-33. (For further teaching on Understanding the Heavens make a request of the teaching by email).
Lunar Movements
First quarter moon will occur on 05 July 2014 @11.59 UTC and Last Quarter moon on 19 July 2014 @02.08 UTC
- Command the quarter moons to praise the LORD and continue to do only His bidding. Blot out every contrary voice that endeavors to instruct the moon to do anything else other than the purpose for which it was created.
- The quarter moons are like a D or its mirror image, it is a bow. The wicked use the quarter moon as a bow to shoot arrows of calamities and catastrophes at the ignorant for the purpose of human sacrifices. Pray that the LORD will heap evil upon them and spend His arrows upon them until they are wasted. (Deut 32:23-24)
- Pray through Psalm 64 concerning those who shoot arrows of wickedness at the righteous in this season; that their arrows will be broken and their wicked darts will return to sender.
Full moon will occur on 12 July 2014@ 11.25 UTC
- Command the full moon to praise the LORD. Instruct the full moon to perform only the purposes of the LORD in this season and reject every other instruction from the kingdom of darkness.
- The gravitational pull of the full moon causes the ebb and flow of tides and alteration of the water patterns on earth is at its greatest. Since the human body consists of more than 70% water, many people are adversely affected during the full moon. Proclaim Psalm 121:6 over your life and kingdom citizens everywhere. The full moon will not smite you by night.
- Pray that the full moon will release its best for you and for kingdom citizens everywhere. Deut 33:14, Hosea 2:21-22.
New moon will occur on 26 July @22.42 UTC
- Command the moon to receive instruction only from the LORD and from Kingdom citizens to fulfill only the purpose which the LORD created it for in this season Pray that the moon shall reject the incantations, prognostications and manipulation from any other ungodly source.
- This new moon marks the beginning of Ramadan; prophesy into the new moon season the salvation of many who are seeking Jehovah diligently through this practice. Pray that as the new moon waxes as a witness in the sky, so shall their desire to know the true LORD Jehovah grow with it. Psa 89.34-37
- The new moon is the shape of a sickle and those in the kingdom of darkness use this as Hecate’s sickle to harvest the gains of the ignorant. Pray that Jehovah’s angel will use his sickle to reap them and cast them into the place of judgment Rev. 14:19-20.
- Pray that Jehovah should cut off those that handle the sickle in the time of harvest against the ignorant and cause them to flee. (Jer 50:16)
- At the new and crescent moon proclaim and enforce Num 23:23 over your life, family, and the ignorant in the Ekklesia and territory.
Solar Movements
From 21 June to 20 July 2014 the sun will be on course in its ecliptic path passes through a cluster of 85 stars in the constellation called Gemini symbolized by the twins which speaks of Jesus’s two fold nature, two fold work and two fold coming. Continue using the prayer directions in the prayer guide for June 2014 from our website or make a request by email.
From 20 July to 10 August the sun will experience one of its shortest sojourns within a constellation. The sun will enter a cluster of 83 stars in the gates of the constellation called Cancer – Scarab. Sited centrally over the ecliptic and facing the time of the end, is what looks like a giant crab but the ancient picture of this sign is a Scarab, which begins its life as a worm then changes into a winged beetle. The correct symbol is a Scarabeus Beetle which is an emblem of RESURRECTION.
- Read Matt 16.18, Rev 1.18, Acts 2.27-31, 1 Cor 15.55; This is where Jesus triumphs over every sage, prophet, wise man that ever existed. They were died they were buried and their burial grounds are available for public viewing. The tomb where they lay Jesus is EMPTY. Celebrate He Alone Who rose from the dead, conquered death and hell, and gives assurance of eternal life to all who believe in Him!
- Jesus passed His earthly life here on earth, was crucified, died, buried and resurrected back into heaven. The heavens tell this very vital aspect of the gospel of the Kingdom, which Jehovah has placed in the stars – THAT JESUS IS THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE. Offer times of praise to Him regularly as you join the heavens in declaring this eternal truth.
- Join the heavens in celebrating Jehovah and the Cross of Calvary and His RESURRECTION as you make this proclamation as often as you can during this season;
The Cross was a mystery to you Satan (1 Cor 2.7-8); Jesus became obedient to death Phil 2.8; Satan you conquered Jesus on the Cross and took His spirit to the dark region of hell. The prince of this world had thought he had something to keep Jesus in the grave but you found NOTHING in Jesus. Jesus who was made to be sin, was justified in the spirit and raised to new life by God. Jesus was born into the new covenant in the pit of death and then conquered Satan col 2.15. He led captivity captive and broke out of death and hell with the key of death; He overcame death and even raised some who had been dead come to life; and they were seen in Jerusalem; the first fruits of the resurrection to come.
In the upper room Satan you witnessed the results; you saw men and women recreated; you saw them receive eternal life; you saw their sins removed and blotted out as if they had never existed. You saw the power that cast you out of heaven enter mere men – the Holy Spirit of Jehovah was residing in men. You became aware that the new creation people were your masters for they have been given the authority to use the Name of Jesus with authority in heaven and on earth! You saw these new people begin to perform the same miracles that Jesus had. You saw the tears you had caused turn to joy. You saw your slaves shaking off their chains and being made free! You saw your prisoners set free.
You saw Jehovah’s nature enter the hearts of men and the faith of God begin to operate so that others were snatched from under your authority. You saw the fear and doubt you had enthroned in men’s heart being replaced by faith and love and freedom. You heard a new language of praise and communication and YOU COULD NOT UNDERSTAND NOR COMPREHEND IT… THE LANGUAGE OF THE SPIRIT THE TONGUES OF FIRE AND POWER! You saw men become kings you had slain Jesus to annihilate Him, instead His death gave birth to a new race of a multitude of Jesus’s who torment your very existence when they recognize who they are in Jehovah.
You saw them multiply so rapidly that you realized you must try to destroy them before they destroy you. They are the greatest movement that will NEVER cease nor lose its power and authority, the Ekklessia – those who call on the name of Jesus in every territory on earth. You saw righteousness become a reality – a gathering of just men made perfect (Heb 12.12-24) men actually being born again with a new Father God and a new LORD, bridegroom and Master Jesus. The world holds millions of these people today; the Word is being revealed to them and Satan’s exile from creation is very near… and I am one of those instruments that God is using to decimate Satan’s tenancy here on earth Hallelujah! Amen
- Jesus said “I am the resurrection and the life: he that believes in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live”. Is there anything that is dying or dead in your life, marriage, family, the work of your hands, kingdom citizens in your territory? Join the heavens in proclaiming that the resurrection power that worked in Jesus , will infuse each of those situations with His life.(Eph 1.15-20, Joh 11:20-27; 10:10b)
- Fear not, you worm Jacob, you men of Israel! I am the one who helps you, declares Jehovah; your Redeemer is the Holy One of Israel. (Isaiah 41:14) Its metamorphosis to a winged beetle also signifies that Jacob will change from his earthly nature into one whose nature is more heavenly minded. This is a season of preparation, disintegration. The metamorphosis of a worm to a winged denizen goes through this process for the complete transformation to occur. As the heavens declare, refer to the first part of this guide and reflect on those areas that are being prepared. Praise the LORD that He is never wrong and His times and seasons are accurate. Like Jacob the supplanter, as many kingdom citizens as will yield to His preparations will be transformed into “Prince of God.”
- Pray that every experience in this season will be one that will lead to a continuous transformation into the image and likeness of the LORD as He originally intended. Pray this for yourself and for kingdom citizens in the territory.
The sign of Cancer should never have been represented as a crab but as a sheepfold. Named: Cattle-folds; who holds or binds; traveller’s rest; Hermes. An ancient name for the month: the seizer; possessor of seed. Stars: A multitude, offspring; holding; the sheltering, hiding place; assembled thousands; the kids, lambs; northern ass; southern ass.
- The heavens declare that the resurrection of Jesus the Messiah was for the purpose of redeeming the sheep – all people of the nations, drawing them with cords of love and binding them to Himself. Pray for an out pouring of evangelism in all its expressions during this season to as many as kingdom citizens will encounter everywhere especially during this Ramadan season. (Joh 3:16, Rom 5:5-8, 8:38-39)
In CANCER is the completion of His work seen in reference to His redeemed – The Messiah’s redeemed possessions held fast. The three smaller group of stars called decans that make up Cancer develop this truth. They tell of the heaven-bound company (believers) that YHVH is going to bring to a place He has prepared for them.
Ursa Minor (the little bear) Ursa Minor/Little Bear/Lesser Sheepfold – The Remnant: A small bear lay in the central heavens, under the feet of Cepheus and nearly surrounded by the coils of Draco. Stars: Waiting, Him who comes; the calves, the young, the redeemed assembly; the kid; the assembled; a traveling company, the stronghold of the saved. Polar Star: The turned or ridden on; high in rising.
This represents the lesser sheepfold or flock, who are “partakers of the heavenly calling,” a “little flock,” but the kingdom shall be theirs, for which they now look and wait. They have not yet “received the promises; but, having seen them afar off” by faith, they “were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth” (Heb 11:13).
- Many in the Body of Messiah have lost focus of this reality of operating with eternity in view. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you in this season, to constantly remember that everything you say and do should count for eternity. Pray this for kingdom citizens everywhere.
- Narrow is the way that leads to everlasting life and few there are who go on it. The partakers of the heavenly calling are not great multitudes. This is because discipline is another quality that this lesser sheepfold exhibits. Pray that the Holy Spirit will quicken in you the regular disciplines of fasting, praying at the watches, reading, studying and meditating on greater chunks of the scriptures, limiting what you allow into your input gates so that only that which edifies remains, and communing with the LORD. Pray that the Holy Spirit will lead as many kingdom citizens as seek Him into this straight and narrow lifestyle that leads to kingdom authority in life.
- Faith is another mark of those who are “partakers of the heavenly calling.” Jesus asked His disciples “When the Son of Man comes, will He find faith?” It takes the belief in what is hoped for and unseen to partake of the heavenly things. Faith is a diminishing quality in the Ekklesia. Many operate to the level that their intellect or the circumstances will allow them. Pray for the gift of faith and that you will be found in faith no matter the circumstances. (1 Cor 4:2)
- Faith worketh by love Gal 5.6. Ask the LORD to reveal to you what is His love for you and pray that the Holy Spirit will teach you to respond to His expressions of love for you.
Ursa Major – Great Flock – Great Assembly:
Straddled between the signs of Cancer and Leo lies a huge constellation, again misinterpreted by the Greeks as a bear. This cannot be correct since bears do not have tails and the star names within it do not relate to a bear. (This constellation has often been wrongly named Ash or Arcturus, which is in nearby Bootes.) Named: The assembled together.
Stars: A herd of cattle; a fold, rest, security; the flock, purchased; visited, guarded, numbered; she- goat; separate, small; the Lamb; the daughters of the assembly; the assembled; Talit Ha/the redeemed under the Covenant; the sheepfold; multitude, many assembled; the assembled; separated; protected, covered, redeemed, ransomed; the latter herd or flock; company of travelers; coming and going; the sheepfold set, appointed.
- The constellation represents the sheepfold and the sheep or flock which is the seed that is compared to “the sand of the sea shore” – a larger flock. YHVH called Abraham out to look at the stars in the sky. He promised the childless Abram that He would multiply His seed like the stars in the sky and the sand of the sea shore. Today the Jewish descendants and the redeemed Body of Messiah make these numberless multitudes. Thank God that as the heavens declare, His prophecy to Abraham in Genesis has come to pass in every generation.
- Israel is the innumerable seed, like “the sand of the sea shore” that He scattered, but promised to gather and keep them as a shepherd does his flock (Jer 31:10). As Jehovah takes charge of His flock, He will feed them on good pasture but He will sift them by the extermination of the fat and violent ones. Praise Him that indeed the heavens have made this declaration and that in every generation, no matter the trials and attack on Israel in their nation and in the Diaspora, Jehovah has overshadowed them and protected them and preserved them. (Rom 9.15)
- Proclaim Isaiah 40:11, Ezekiel 34:12-16 over the nation of Israel and Jewish people the world over.
Argo (the ship) A huge ship lies beneath the ecliptic, its mast piercing the neck of Hydra. (represents the ship that brings the pilgrims safely home. Isaiah 35:10; 51:9-11; Jeremiah 31:11,12) Named: Company of travelers. Stars: The possession of Him who comes; the multitude, abundance; the possession; the released who travel; the desired; the Branch. (Jeremiah 30:10,11; Isaiah 60:4-9)
- Proclaim Isaiah 43:5-7, 60:4-14 concerning the African Aliyah. This is a season for the African Aliyah. Pray that people of African extraction who are meant to return to Africa in this season of the renaissance of the continent will be released to return with the skills, and competencies required to build the continent in every one of the 56 nations and territories.
- Pray that there shall be a safe and soft landing for those who choose to return and that they will not face the kind of frustrations that others who have tried to return before and found in the continent.
- Pray that those who return will come bearing the abundance of the seas and of the nations that they had been equipped in; to deposit on the continent for its progress and development.
- Proclaim Psalm 121 over your life and kingdom citizens in your territory.
For Prophecies for this year and the past years, please visit our website. Continue to pray through these prophecies and also read through those from previous years as many are undergoing fulfillment now.
Pls re the prayers for the month of June 2016 available. If there re will love to ve them sent to my email, thanks