Praying Through The Month Of August 2014
This month was named after Augustus Caesar, one of the emperors of the Roman Empire. This year 5774 being a leap year with an intercalary month of Adar II included, the month of August will occur during the fifth (5th) Biblical sacred calendar month called Av which commenced on 28 July and ends on 26th August to usher in the 6th month of Elul. According to the Jewish sacred calendar, It is the second-last or twelfth (12th) month. This leap year will have 13 months making September 2014 its final month. However, going by the Gregorian calendar it is the eighth (8th) month.
This month is a period of time termed “plumpness” In Gen. 17:12- the Hebrew meaning of ‘eight’ in this scripture is plumpness that represents ‘a surplus above the perfect seven’ meaning, that which is in excess, or over and above, or overflowing in every gate of society.
Figuratively, the eighth month symbolizes fatness, rich fat, lusty and plenteous. Thus the eighth month is a time of salvation, restoration, fruitfulness, abundance and plenty (Luke 1:23-37, 66; Acts 9:33-34; 1Pe.3:20.) The month of August is a period of time characterized by the ripening of the fruit of the date palm and summer figs.
On the 8th and 9th of Av (4-5 August 2014) will be Erev Tish’a B’Av and Tisha B’Av. Tisha B’Av (Hebrew: or , “the Ninth of Av,”) is an annual fast day among the Israelite descendants, named for the ninth day (Tisha) of the month of Av in the Hebrew calendar. The fast commemorates the destruction of both the First Temple and Second Temple in Jerusalem, which occurred about 655 years apart, but on the same Hebrew calendar date. It begins at sundown on 4 th August/8th Av.
o Thank the LORD for the beginning of a new month. His mercies are new every morning; and so are they new every new month. Pray for new mercies this month in every area of your life and experience Lam 3.22-26
o Pray against the spirit of the antichrist. This is spirit that is operating in your life when you decide to disobey God. It is operating in our nations when we pass laws that are against the will of God.
The LORD said, 2014 is a year of distinction of voice and significance of voice. Your voice will be distinct enough to be understood. What you are shouting, crying, instructing, writing or speaking forth [will be understood].
o Utter the voice of the LORD over every GOD-ordained endeavor in this season of new beginnings at every level of your life, in the Ekklesia and in the territory at large. Read Psalm 29. The Lion of Judah roars as we worship Him. He inhabits your praises and comes to your rescue as you praise Him. Every time you praise the LORD His voice will
• Release power to calm the troubled waters of your life
• Power to decipher impossible situation so you can pass through
• Expose hidden agendas of darkness and splinter them as it does the cedars of Lebanon
• Cause every mountain-like situation that hinders progress to scamper away before you
• Cause the deserts and barren situations to be shaken and bear fruit
• Cause you to bring forth His purposes in this season
• Raise up a standard against every enemy flood – as the LORD sits on the flood as King forever.
All creation in your own territory is awaiting for the manifestation of Sons of the LORD; matured kingdom citizens to release it to its redemptive destiny by the proclamations of your mouth from The Lord (Rom 8:19-21). If the LORD has given us such license and lent strength to the voice of His sons, it is not for personal desires only but for establishing His Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. As we do this we will be laying strong foundations for the coming season.
o All creation can hear and receive instruction including the heavens, distant lands and peoples. Ask the LORD to give you a voice which creation will hear in this season so that when you make decrees, they will be obeyed.
o Ask for a voice, which will speak to the heavens and the earth and the distant lands and peoples to hear and obey you from wherever He has placed you. Pray this for kingdom citizens everywhere. Deut 32:1-4, Isaiah 49:1-2, Hos 2:21
o Command the gates of this month to usher in the king of glory into every moment of this coming season.
o By your proclamations, shape your days. Speak into the womb of this month and carry out the creation process again. Speak and declare “Let there be light, let there be life, Let there be peace, let there be favor, health, clear communication of the LORD’s will, understanding, wisdom, etc etc” in each day of the month. Speak into every key event taking place with regard to your family, Ekklesia, and territory at large declaring the purposes of the LORD for it (Psa 75, 118, 121, Isa 51:16)
o The LORD has a vast number of precious and weighty thoughts about you. He has plans on a continuous basis concerning your life. Have you ever asked Him what His thoughts for you are for each day? From this month? Make it a daily routine to ask Him what His precious and weighty thought for you is. Practice to have times of just listening for His response. He desires to share with you His heart more than you are ready to listen to Him. However, it takes PRACTICE to seek Him QUIETLY just to LISTEN. (Psa 139:17-18, Jer 29:11-14)
o The Bible says that the LORD is seated at the right hand of the Father ever praying for the saints. What prayer is He praying for you in this season? What prayer is He making for kingdom citizens in your territory? Ask Him to inspire you to pray the prayer He is making and you will be in agreement with the right prayer for this season for yourself and kingdom citizens everywhere. Heb 7.25, Rom 8.26-27
o Praise the LORD for the promise of abundant life, for fruitfulness in the work of your hands, in your relationships, in your spiritual growth and endeavors during this season, which symbolizes these virtues. Proclaim Psa 136
o Pray that the LORD will grant you the nature of the palm tree which remains lush and fruitful even in its old age. That which has depleted with regard to health, creativity, love growing cold, relationships, the work of your hands in every area of experience, will begin to take on this nature. Pray this for kingdom citizens Psa 92:12-15
o Pray that you will also derive the characteristic of the date palm which thrives in the harshest desert conditions but still bears succulent fruit to an old age. Pray this for the family and Ekklesia especially at such a time when we are facing a rising level of persecution in various parts of the world.
o May the LORD grant you the nature of the fig tree which flourishes with the greatest luxuriance in those barren and stony situations where little else will grow. Its large size, and its abundance of five-lobed leaves render it a pleasant shade tree; and its fruit furnished a wholesome food, very much used in all the lands of the Bible. Thus it was a symbol of peace and plenty. Pray this for the family, Ekklesia and your territory 1Ki 4:25 Mic 4:4 Zec 3:10 Joh 1:49-51.
o Figs are of two sorts, the “baccore,” and the “kermouse.” Pray that the nature of the kermouse which in particular ripens in this month will also be manifest in your life. This particular fig will withstand the harshest winter seasons and still ripen and produce plenteous nutritious fruit. Pray this for your family and kingdom citizens in your territory (Psa 1)
o Ask the LORD for continued creativity to expand what you have in hand; your work, your gifts, talents for the benefit of the kingdom and your own sustenance.
o Pray that you will recognize where the hand of the LORD is working in this season so that you can join Him in what He is doing in the midst of all the upheavals and intense activity. Joh 5.17
o Do you have family strife at any level? Do you have rivalries and division in the family? Are there hereditary illnesses which plague the family? Is there need for economic healing in the family? Pray for the healing apportioned for the family to be released in this season.
o Number 5 is the number that signifies grace – unmerited favor. This is the fifth month of the Sacred Calendar. Pray that The LORD will release His favor in double measure in this season over your life, the work of your hands, your family, the Ekklessia especially in areas where you really do not deserve it.
o Ask that by His favor the LORD will promote you from where you are spiritually, physically, financially, health-wise, in relationships to supernatural levels of favor.
o Paul the apostle said, “But by God’s grace I am what I am, and his grace shown to me was not wasted. Instead, I worked harder than all the others—not I, of course, but God’s grace that was with me”.[1 Cor 15.10] The grace is given to us so we can work out the graces and giftings invested in us more effectively. It is not given so we can let slip our character as many would assume. Meditate on this scripture and ask the Holy Spirit to teach you how you will apply the grace that is so freely given to perfect your faith and walk with the LORD.
o The number 8 represents new beginnings. In many ways this is a season of new beginnings, and renewals. In reflecting on prophecies for this and previous years there are a couple of promises YHWH has given with regard to new beginnings. As we enter a season of new beginnings in this 8 th month, reflect on the prophecies of this and past years and pray them into your life as many of them are still in effect and renewable in each season:
o In 2013 the LORD said, there will be a regeneration of souls and cells. There are many souls that have been downtrodden and discouraged. There are many who have illnesses with cells that have gone rogue, died away or refused to regenerate. However in this new season, speak to those cells and command them to resurrect for this is a promise the LORD. On a daily basis, speak to your soul, encourage yourself, speak to your cells and declare this promise. Pray also for kingdom citizens who are believing YHWH for various levels of emotional and physical regeneration. Isa 40:28-31
o Pray that your cell regeneration is not determined by health, age or medication. It is determined by the word of the LORD. Whatever disease or disaster whatever cells have degenerated for whatever reason, shall regenerate and receive renewal and resurrection. 2 Chron 6:28-31
o David makes a significant statement in his prayer of Psalm 23. He said “He restores my soul”. Restoration happens to that which is deteriorated or lost. Could it be that in the midst of the permutations of life, your soul may have been fragmented? Could it be that virtue may come out of you as you serve others, pray, work and interact with people who draw “power” out of you? Remember what Jesus said when the woman with the issue of blood touched him with intention. He said “power has gone out of Me.” Virtues get drawn from you when you are interacting with various people. Make this prayer for yourself, that the LORD will restore your soul and gather back all your fragmented and scattered virtues. He will regenerate the fragmented portions that may have scattered as you loved, served, gave of yourself in various ways. Make this a regular prayer of refreshing Mark 5.30, Luk 8.46, Luk 6.19, Eph 3.7
o Pray on a regular basis that it will not be your virtue that goes out when you are interacting with people, but they will encounter the Holy Spirit and through you, they will tap into the virtues that are sufficient for each day Acts 3.12, Phil 4.8
o In 2014 the LORD said in the midst of the doom there will be boom. You will be booming in the midst of the doom. That means when there is gloominess and doom taking place in the nation those dedicated to Him in this particular season, will end up booming in their season. Have you experienced gloom? Have you seen gloom in the news reports? It portends a boom for kingdom citizens who will tap into this prophetic word. Therefore pray and receive this prophecy as your own in this new season.
o The number 12 represents divine governance In 2014 the LORD said, We are entering the generation of rulers establishing the Davidic kingdom. Matthew 1:17—from Abraham to David 14 generations, from David to the Captivity, 14 generations and from David to the Christ 14 generations. They are like that because Christ was ushering in the Jubilee. The fourteen generations showed a shift, a new beginning and today the shift has come. The number 12 signifies divine governance. Pray that this virtue will be seen in every aspect of governance from the family level to the governmental level.
o Leadership remains the single greatest challenge that the continent and its people face. Ask that the LORD will release wisdom in the area of leadership and governance at every level among all African people groups in this season. Pray for restoration of righteous and just governments. (Isa 9:6-7)
o Pray that there will be a disconnection of power from ancient ungodly power bases, a breaking of alliances that were united with ungodly intent to take power at any cost. (Psa 74:12-23, 75)
o Pray that in this season there shall be a raising up of Josephs, Davids and Daniels and Cyruses who will fulfill His purposes for their territories whether they know the LORD or not (Psa 78:72, Isa 44:28-45:1-8, Dan 6:1-3).
o Pray that the LORD to raise true kingdom citizens with passion for governance, to pursue political offices, strategic media business ventures, develop educational institutions, technocratic positions and other key decision making and mind molding positions within your territory. (Dan 6:1-3)
o Pray that this month, the LORD will begin to bring together leaders and potential leaders by divine connection, to develop the kind of leadership partnerships which are sanctioned by Divine election. Pray that these connections will be seen in each of the eight gates of society in your territory.
o If all of the LORD’s authority is in the Ekklessia – and the nations are in turmoil, then there is something wrong with the governors of the earth. Ask the LORD to visit the Ekklessia and bring circumstances that will rock us into realization that we are His government, the nations depend on us to steer them in the right direction. (Isa 9:6)
o Most of the time, the Ekklessia gets lost in partisan activities when it comes to choice of national leaders. We forget that we have the authority to steer the LORD’s man into the direction He will have them go. As you pray for the leadership in your nation, whether you chose them or not, pray that God will direct the heart of your leaders in His own course, so they fulfill their destiny in this season. Remember the heart of the king is in the hand of the LORD. The LORD’s hand is on His Body the Ekklessia. (Pro 21:1)
o Pray that in this season the Holy Spirit will begin to teach you about the particular expression of the LORD which He has called your territory to manifest based on the word in Deuteronomy 32:8-10.
o Rev 22:2 The trees of life bear 12 season of fruit every month of the year. Pray that you will receive every fruit for the 5th, 8th and 12th months. Pray this for the kingdom citizens in your territory.
o Pray also that you will partake of the healing released from the leaves of these trees for this season. Pray that every physical bodily healing, emotional and spiritual healing, financial healing, economic healing, marital and relational healing required for this coming month will be released to you in its fullness. Pray this for Kingdom citizens in the territory.
Is this the month of your birth?
• Thank the LORD for your birthday. Thank Him for the day you were born and it was said that a child is born.
• Pray that every word of blessing that was spoken out loud or silently concerning your life will manifest fully in your life.
• Pray that every negative and ungodly word that was spoken over your life at its inception to birth will be obliterated by the voice of the blood of Jesus. Only what He has said, and what people have said that was in line with His purposes will operate in your life.
• Pray that the voice of peace, rejoicing, singing, and joy will be heard this day in every field of endeavor, and that the voice of depression, gloom, sadness will be drowned out completely: (Job 3:7, Isa 55:12-13).
• Declare that you are entering into your lifestyle of ever increasing glory and awe.
• Pray that on the day of your birth, The LORD will re-enact the covenant with creation on your behalf. He will speak to the heavens and the heavens will speak to the earth and the earth will bring forth its best for you – bread wine and oil. Hos 2.18-21
• Pray that your star will rise and shine ever brighter. Anything that has hitherto tried to cover your star will be swept away by the LORD’s broom of destruction.
• Declare that those agents of the kingdom of darkness, who curse days will never find this day to curse, more so, those who rouse Leviathan’s influence against God’s people: (Job 3:8, 41:1, Isa 27:1) • If this is your birth month, pray that the virtues of the number 5, and 8 and 12 will be seen in your life.
There has been increasing fighting between Israel and the Palestinians in Gaza. Israel was aware that Hamas militants were creating a network of tunnels underneath Gaza in recent years but the extent and sophistication of the network and its potential threat has taken the Israeli military by surprise. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had vowed to complete the destruction of the tunnel network. Israel said it has identified about 32 tunnels and destroyed more than half since it launched a ground offensive to dismantle them on July 17.
Hamas was planning a doomsday mega attack for Rosh Hashanah, Sending hundreds of Hamas Suicide commandoes via the underground terror tunnel networks to conquer Israeli towns and cities. This was planned to be the equivalent of five 911’s .
That is the meaning of the tunnel threat. It is the most serious strategic threat Israel has faced since the 1973 war. The failed conception is also notable as there is a real question as to whether the intelligence echelons recognized the seriousness of the threat. The Three Kidnapped and murdered teens saved Israel literally by mobilizing the IDF and public opinion to fight Hamas. Israel was saved from strategic disaster.
o Thank the LORD that He who watches over Israel will never sleep nor slumber. Even when men are unaware of the attack and danger they face, He always exposes wickedness that is against His first born nation Psa 121.
o Thank the LORD that strategic disaster has been averted and what was planned over 12 years and was meant to bring untold evil to so many, has been turned around for the good of the nation. Three boys were kidnapped and killed but their death brought about this exposure of danger that has potentially saved thousands.
o Pray for wisdom for the government of Israel in this season as they deal with international pressure, negative press, rejection from former allies. In this season may the LORD who is the Help of Israel reveal Himself to be their sole Helper.
o We are still in the season of the blood moon tetrads and the prophetic significance of this season is revealed in the heavenly activities that continue to declare the purposes of the LORD. Pray that the Body of Christ will take more interest in the significance of the season with regard to the heavenly activities over nations.
o Hamas had planned to send hundreds of suicide attackers to destroy themselves and their destinies as they launched a massive attack on Israel in this coming Rosh Hashanah which will occur on the second blood moon. Pray that this failed mission will cause a great dissatisfaction in them by the failure of their demon-deity allah and many will seek the LORD YHVH the GOD of Israel since He wins battles even before they are initiated.
o Pray that there shall be a readiness within the Ecclesia to receive and disciple as many as are turning away from the worship of this demon-deity to the GOD of Israel. Pray also that there shall be sanctuaries, secure places where they can find protection and succor as some are rejected by their former people.
Nations of the 10/40 Window
During this season we continue to pray for over 100 cities of the 10/40 window. The LORD’s strategy is to stretch the Rod (Word) of the LORD over the territory. It means we make Scriptural proclamations to contend with chants and proclamations going out from that region to the various demon deities worshipped in the 10/40 window territories.
o Pray for Jesus’s visitation to individuals and people groups in the following cities using the proclamations in the updated publication “Praying Thru the 10/40 Window”.
o While focus is on the 10/40 window territories, include your own territory and other trouble spots and all lawlessness as you proclaim the Word of the LORD as law over every gate of society on a regular basis:
1. Addis Ababa meaning “New flower” capital of Ethiopia belief Islam/Ethiopian orthodox/animism
2. Niamey meaning unknown; capital of Niger belief Animism/Islam
3. Tripoli meaning “a natural abrasive” capital of Libya belief Islam
4. Manama meaning “place of rest” capital of Bahrain belief Islam/Hindu
5. Istanbul meaning “in the city” city in Turkey belief Islam
6. Tel Aviv meaning “Hill of springs” city in Israel belief Judaism/Islam
7. Karachi meaning derived from “kulachi”. City in Pakistan belief Islam
8. Delhi meaning “threshold” city in India belief Hindu/Islam/Sikh
9. Kanpur meaning “ear city” city in Uttar Pradesh Province India belief Hindu/Islam
10. Tianjin meaning “ford of heaven” city in China belief Atheism/Chinese religions
11. Guangzhou meaning “capital of a large region” city in Guandon province china belief Atheism/Chinese
religions 12. Kuala Lumpar meaning “muddy river confluence” capital of Malaysia belief Islam/Buddhism/Chinese religions
o For the second time within 3 months there has been a disaster involving a Malaysian airline. A Malaysian airline carrying nearly 300 people was shot down on July 17, 2014 killing everyone on board. This came shortly after another Malaysian airline plane disappeared and presumed crashed with nearly 300 people earlier in the year. Pray for safety in the skies over your territory.
National Days
• Switzerland 1 August (Alliance against the Holy Roman Empire in 1291, between Uri, Schwyz and Unterwalden)
• Cook Islands 4 August (Self-government in free association with New Zealand in 1965)
• Bolivia 6 August (Proclamation of Republic (independent from Spain) in 1825)
• Singapore 9 August (National day parade, separation from Malaysia in 1965)
• Ecuador 10 August (Proclamation of independence from Spain in 1809)
• Pakistan 14 August (Independence Day, independence from the United Kingdom in 1947)
• India 15 August, (Independence Day, India gaining independence from the British Empire 1947),
• Liechtenstein 15 August (The Hereditary Prince becomes Regent in 2004)
• South Korea 15 August (both the liberation from Japanese rule in 1945 (Gwangbokjeol) and the declaration of the South Korean state in 1948)
• Dominican republic 16 August (independence from Spain in 1865)
• Indonesia 17 August (Proclamation of Independence day (Hari Proklamasi Kemerdekaan R.I.) from Japan in 1945)
• Hungary 20 August (St. Stephen’s day, Hungary is established as a Christian kingdom by Stephen 1 of Hungary),
• Ukraine 24 August (Independence from the Soviet Union in 1991)
• Uruguay 25 August (Día de la Independencia) Declaration of independence from Brazil in 1825)
• Moldova 27 August, (Declaration of independence from the Soviet Union in 1991)
• Slovakia 29 August (Constitution, independence from Czechoslovakia in 1993)
• Tartarstan 30 August (Declaration of independence from the RSFSR in 1990)
• Turks and Caicos Islands 30 August (Constitution Day, 1976)
• Kyrgyzstan 31 August (Declaration of independence from the USSR in 1991)
• Malaysia 31 August (Hari Merdeka) Independence from the United Kingdom in 1957)
• Jamaica 5 August (Independence from the United Kingdom in 1962)
o Thank the LORD for the above nations as each celebrates a national day.
o Pray that the families in these nations will receive a visitation from the LORD and that those who do not know Him shall have an opportunity to know Him and receive His redemptive salvation.
o Pray for the missions and for the Ecclesia in these nations; that they shall receive new strength for the Great Commission in this new season. o Pray that the youth in these nations will develop a thirst and hunger for holy living and that there shall be a raising up of mentors and spiritual fathers and mothers who will disciple them for the next generation of kingdom citizens
1. 10 August Turkey Presidential elections
2. 24 August 2014 Turkey presidential elections
3. 5 September 2014 St Maarten parliamentary elections
4. 12 September 2014 Montserrat General elections
5. 14 September 2014 Sweden house of assembly elections
6. 17 September 2014 Fiji House of representatives elections
7. 18 September Scotland referendum (Part of UK)
8. 20 September 2014 New Zealand house of representatives elections
9. 28 September 2014 Switzerland referendum
o Continue to lift up the nations that are going into elections that Jehovah Shalom will overshadow the nations and that the LORD’s men and women will be raised up in this season especially considering the word that the LORD released that He is raising the Davidic leadership in this season. Pray that this reality will be reflected in the above nations in various positions of governance.
o Pray that the Ecclesia will have a strong voice in representing the kingdom in the national matters.
o Pray that the Ecclesia will intercede sincerely for the LORD’s purposes to be reflected on the ground as the nations go into elections.
o During this very season of elections pray that even as the heavens declare the ruler-ship of the King of kings in this season, it shall be reflected on earth with the preparation of the right men and women to take up office.
o Pray that those who are coming into office will indeed manifest these qualities of positive impact and influence in the nations as they start a new term of office.
o Pray against the party spirit that breeds division in the Ekklessia whenever election seasons come.
o Pray that Kingdom citizens will participate in the election process actively in order to join hands with the LORD in selecting the next leader into office in every category.
The LORD has ways through which He communicates with and endeavors to reveal His purposes and plans for all of creation despite their belief systems – this is through the heavens. There is nothing that is not exposed to the heavens. The heavens continually declare and make proclamations (Psa 19.1-2).
He created the heavens and gave them their role in creation – to determine the times and seasons on earth and to give Him pleasure (Gen 1:14-18, Rev 4.11). It is important for every kingdom citizen to gain sound Biblical understanding of the heavens and know our role as stewards of Jehovah Adonai’s estate toward them – not the ungodly astrology, horoscope and other occult practices.
Once we acquire His ordained knowledge for the heavens, we will be able to set up their dominion here on earth (Job 38:31-33). Remember that in Mathew 28:18-20 Jesus commissioned the fledgling Ekklessia with all the authority given to Him to go out into all nations and disciple them. This authority included that which is in heaven and on earth. It is our duty to answer in the affirmative, the question that Job was asked concerning the visible firmament in Job 38:31-33. (For further teaching on Understanding the Heavens make a request of the teaching by email).
Lunar Movements
The quarter moon in a D shape or its mirror is shaped like a bow. The First quarter moon will occur on 4
August 2014 @ 12.50UTC and Last Quarter moon on 18 August 2014 @00.26UTC
o Thank the LORD because He made a decree concerning the moon that shall not pass away. Thus nature is held in balance because of these ordinances that are everlasting. The moon continues to mark seasons. Pray that His purposes for this particular lunar season will be accomplished in your life, family, Ekklessia and territory at large. (Ps 104:19)
o Pray that the LORD will help you, and the Ekklessia at large to be encouraged by His faithfulness during each phase of the moon. He is faithful to keep these heavenly elements in their courses, He will keep His word concerning you, concerning the Ekklessia and your territoriy (Psa 57:10)
o Pray for yourself, the Ekklessia and territory that at the time of the quarter moon, the LORD will be your strength and refuge against any negative influence from the kingdom of darkness. (Isa 26:4-5)
o Those in the occult will use the quarter moon in bow shape to shoot arrows of wickedness for the destruction of the righteous and the ignorant. Proclaim Psalm 64 concerning this actions against kingdom citizens and against yourself.
o Pray that the quarter moons will praise the LORD only and do only His bidding; to praise Him and to mark the times and seasons Psa 148.1-4
The full moon for Full moon will occur on 11 August 2014@ 18.10UTC It will be a super-moon. The biggest and brightest super-moon of the year is to coincide with the biggest and brightest meteor shower. A super-moon occurs when the full moon is closer to Earth in its normal orbit than normal, making it look brighter and larger than normal. August’s super moon is when the moon is at its closest point to Earth in 2014 and it will appear in the night sky.
o Any spectacular event in the heavens portends spectacular activities on earth. The full moon season brings about a lot of intensive spiritual activity both for good and evil. Heighten your prayer activity especially in the areas of praise and worship as you join the heavens in declaring the glory of the LORD throughout all the earth. Psa 19.1-2
o Command the full moon to utter forth speech that will glorify only the LORD in this season.
o Pray that every witchcraft, marine, serpentine and all satanic powers gathering to destroy any GOD ordained purposes in your life and in the Ekklessia and territory, will be scattered as the LORD is exalted by your praise and worship Psa 22.3, 68.1-3.
New moon will occur on 26 August 2014 @ 14.13UTC
o Psalm 81 calls for solemn assembly at the new moon. It means a season of heightened intercession and adoration to the LORD for kingdom citizens. Spend more time in worship and adoration to Him during these times of new moon. Proclaim Psalms of praise adoration and worship to the LORD Psa 8,18,19,24, 29,30-33, 144-150
o Pray that the Ekklessia in the nations will experience heightened seasons of worship and adoration to the LORD at the gates of the 8th lunar season. (Psa 22:27; Psa 66:4; Psa 86:9)
o The occult reap the gains of the righteous who are ignorant of the season, using the crescent moon in sickle form. Pray that the LORD will render useless all their activities. Pray that the moon will reject any command given it, to do anything other than that which the LORD created it for. Ps 10:15, Isa 44:24-25
o Prophesy into this new moon season what you would have the LORD do for you in this coming month. These prophecies will mature with the waxing moon to fruition even as the moon waxes to fullness. Pray that the prophecies will begin to be releases even as the moon completing the monthly cycle.
Solar Events
From 20 July the sun experienced one of its shortest sojourns within a constellation. The sun will continue to lodge in the constellation called Cancer – Scarab up until the 10th August. The ancient picture of this sign is a Scarab, which begins its life as a worm then changes into a winged beetle. The correct symbol is a Scarabeus Beetle which is an emblem of RESURRECTION. Use the month of July guide to complement your prayers concerning the heavens this month.
From August 10 to September 16 the sun passes through a cluster of 95 stars in the constellation called Leo symbolized by the Lion and represents JESUS AS THE LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH. This year it will be the 12th gate through which the sun passes as it is a leap year in the Sacred calendar. Its lodging in the cluster of Leo brings the story of Jesus in the heavens to full circle – completion. It is depicted by a mighty charging lion which lay across the ecliptic. Its feet are over the head of Hydra, the great serpent and are about to descend upon and crush it.
The bright star in the heart means ‘treading under foot’ and the bright star in the tail means ‘the judge’. Named: Arieh/the Lion hunting down his prey. (Nahum 2:12; 2 Samuel 17:10; Numbers 23:24)
Stars: Treading under foot; the Judge who comes; exaltation; shining forth; the joining; the punishing, tearing of the Lion; the judge cometh who seizes; the enemy put down. (Revelation 5:5; Numbers 24:8,9; Amos 3:4,8)
o This season the heavens declare victory, conquering and subjugating every enemy. The heavens truly correspond with the activities on earth where kingdom citizens will willingly take up their stance in territorial intercession and spiritual warfare. Victory is sure for them. Pray that kingdom citizens will join the heavens in making this declaration as you battle the forces of darkness in your life, family and territory especially with regard to the spirit of islam, terrorism and violence at every level. Hab 3.1-15
o As mentioned in earlier prayers, the LORD has promised that those who will obey Him and pray through this season for various issues, will pursue, overtake and without fail, recover all. What areas of life are you targeting to see the LORD’s victory? This is the time to join the heavens as you pray in faith for infirmities, poverty, restoration of lost grounds, possessing gates for the kingdom and the Great Commission. Pray that you will be counted victorious in every area; Exo 15.8-10, Obad 17, 1 Sam 30.8, Psa 18.37,
o The stars in Leo declare judgment over the enemy. As you pray through the various guides in this document, pray that indeed you will represent Psalm 149:9 and your utterances of judgment will be an honor before the LORD. Isa 28.5-6
o In eschatological times, the Lion of Judah,Jesus, will come to make war on Satan, tread the winepress of the fury of His Father and rule the nations with a rod of iron for 1000 years. (Isaiah 63:1-6; Revelation 19:11-21) He will throw the anti-Mashiah and the false prophet into the lake of fire. He will imprison Satan in the Abyss for 1000 years. He will cause the dead in Christ, who did not worship the Beast in the Tribulation, to be raised to life to rule with Him for the 1000 years. (Revelation 19:11-20:6) There is an additional meaning in this sign that suggests it also spans the Millennial Reign. Finally Jesus will come to judge the nations and destroy all remaining enemies. Thank YHWH that the heavens indeed accurately declare not only present events but show us that there is a Day of the LORD coming. Pray that you and kingdom citizens in your territory will be counted among those who will victoriously stand on the side of the Lion of the tribe of Judah as you operate by faith in Him. Pray that you will finish well.
The three smaller groups of stars called decans that make up the constellation called Leo describe the details of Christ’s complete triumph over the enemy.
Hydra (the serpent) represents the old serpent Satan/Babylon destroyed; An immense constellation extends beneath Virgo, Leo and Cancer, its head coming between the signs of Cancer and Argo. Named: The abhorred. Stars: The separated, put away; the abhorred; the piercing of the deceiver.
o Hydra has spanned the time of the Abrahamic Covenant. Displayed in the heavens in an anti clockwise position makes clear that Hydra has been working against the Abrahamic Covenant since its inception. (Rev12:10-17). Today we have one manifestation of the false prophet and false god worshipped in Islam manifest with the false covenant working against the purposes of the LORD and drawing millions away from His purposes from their lives. Bring before the LORD all those who worship allah especially those appointed as suicide attackers, and other religions that do not acknowledge the Lion of the tribe of Judah as YHVH. Pray that during the super-moon and the continuing eclipses there shall be signs in the heavens which will draw them to the true LORD of their lives.
o There is a high level of deception being released over the universe with the New Age agenda and spirit of Islam. Utter the voice of the Lion of the tribe of Judah to roar and thunder over all creation silencing every other speaking. Utter the voice of the blood of Jesus to blot out every other voice print that is contrary to the covenant He made with His own body and blood and which speaks better things than the blood of Abel and every other blood (Heb 12:24, Col 2:14-15.)
Crater (the cup) represents the cup of divine wrath poured out upon him. A deep cup lies below the ecliptic and the head of Virgo. It is fastened to the body of the serpent and shares stars with it. (Psalm 11:6; 75:8-9)Stars: The cup – 2 stars mark the bottom of the cup where it is fastened to the body of Hydra.
Thirteen stars in the cup – thirteen can be the number of Apostasy.
o Babylon is the epitome of apostasy and includes all individuals, regimes and empires, which have sought to replace and destroy the purposes of the LORD, and kingdom citizens. She and her daughters will drink the cup of wrath to its dregs. (Revelation 14:10). Release this judgment on every manifestation of the spirit of Babylon in every part of your territory even as the heavens so declare and decree in this season.
o There are many warnings in the Scriptures to flee Babylon to avoid sharing in her punishment. These warnings are given to Kingdom citizens. Many are deceived and must flee false teaching from those who are not ministers of the true gospel. The nearness of the Cup to Virgo shows the redeemed are near to Babylon and in great danger of sharing in her cup of wrath if they are not discerning. Pray for a spirit of discernment in the Body of Christ in your territory for this is a lacking gift and many are tossed about by every wind of doctrine and cunning sleight of men. Isa 48:12-20; Jer 51:6; Zech 2:7
o Proclaim this 7 times; Deliver yourself O Zion, who dwells with the daughter of Babylon.
o Rejoice with thanksgiving that YHVH Shalom ordained that the seed of woman shall crash the serpent’s head – or the head of the kingdom of witchcraft and darkness thus rendering its entire system powerless. Jesus the Lion of the tribe of Judah fulfilled this prophecy fully on the Cross; the greatest altar ever raised. Rejoice in Him (Gen 3:15)
Corvus (the raven) represents the birds of prey devouring the serpent, they are the cleaners: A bird of prey perches close to the Cup and beneath Virgo. It devours the serpent and all who worship it after they have drunk the depths of the cup of wrath. (Psalm 76:5, 12) mNamed: The raven; the breaking up of the enemy.Stars: Nine (number of judgment) stars; accursed; the raven; the raven tearing to pieces. (Prov 30:17; Rev 19:17,18; Jer 25:30-33)
The Raven is the final constellation of the planisphere. He is appointed to cleanse the earth by eating everything that is unclean. It is fitting that a raven was the first creature to leave the Ark of Noah after the first cleansing of the earth by flood. Now the raven is the last creature in this story of the purification of the seed of Abraham in readiness for her role as the Bride of Christ.
o 1 Joh 1:7-9, Heb 10:22; Because of the defilements spewed out by the kingdom of darkness in this season, there is a need for cleansing for kingdom citizens. The Blood of Jesus cleanses us from all unrighteousness and sprinkles our consciences from all defilement of sin. Plead the blood of Jesus on a regular basis over your life, your family and the Ekklesia. Pray that as many as are sensitive will seek YHWH for His direction of what they ought to do to purge and purify themselves as they work out their salvation in this season.
o John 13:8-10; The word of the LORD is the water that purifies and cleans us. This is a season that the heavens declare that a cleansing is required. Endeavor to read the word, meditate on it and let it shine through your life. As you apply yourself to the word’s cleansing, ask the Holy Spirit for the humility and grace to accept and obey His leading in areas that require a purging. Pray this for kingdom citizens in the territory.
o Read Mal 3:2-3; Pray that you will be found worthy to experience YHVH as the Purifier as described in this scripture in this season. Pray this for kingdom citizens in your area.
o Pray that kingdom citizens will receive a revelation of the Holiness of YHVH and His desire to have a holy and pure Bride. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you areas where you ought to begin to walk in the level of holiness and purity that He requires.
Draco – the Dragon: Though Draco is not listed as a separate constellation in ancient zodiacs, it is a central and pivotal constellation in the heavens. In the time of Noah, the static Polar Star used for navigation was located in the tail of Draco. This is the emblem of Satan, thrown out of heaven to the earth, where he tried to rule because of the sin of disobedience of Adam and Eve. Named: Trodden on; to tread; the punished enemy. Stars: The subtle; the head of the subtle; the long serpent, dragon.
Note: For a little over 2000 years now the Polar Star is no longer located in Draco but in Ursa Minor, within the sign of Cancer. That is why the horoscopes are wrong and astrology is a lie. It operates in the old constellation arrangement. This corresponds to the transfer of authority over the heavens and the earth (Matt 28:18) when Jesus resurrected as the star constellation Cancer declares.
o Thank God for the greatest sacrifice on Calvary which caused the rearrangement of constellations in the heavens as all authority was released to Him when He rose again! Praise the LORD for the fulfillment of Haggai 2:6-7,21-22 when He died the eclipse in the heavens hid these great events and the earthquake signified a shifting of covenant, and everything that attended it. Today we rejoice in authority because of His great sacrifice which the heavens have duly noted and continue to declare.
o Rejoice in the LORD for His faithfulness to reveal His plan to His servants the prophets through the heavens. Praise the LORD that as you come to the end of another year the Lion of the tribe of Judah rules and reigns over all.
o Praise the LORD that no matter how subtly the enemy tries to jeopardize the affairs of the kingdom He reveals it and as many as will arise to pray and install His Kingship, He will rule and reign forever and ever.
o Pray that everything that seems to be aligned with scripture but is a counterfeit will become more clear to you as you seek the LORD in this season and you will not be deceived.
o Thank the LORD that your destiny is not determined by the dragon and his surrogate spirits and that you have a choice to take responsibility for your destiny. Pray that you and your family and kingdom citizens in your territory will be pushed into your redemptive destiny and will not fail.
For Prophecies for this year and the past years, please visit our website. Continue to pray through these prophecies and also read through those from previous years as many are undergoing fulfillment now.