Praying for Kingdom Foundations Malawi Jubilee
PS: You may use most of the prayers given herein for your own territory on a regular basis as you seek to lay foundation of the land to reflect Jerusalem the covenant city, as you do away with the Babylonic foundations that attend most nations today.
The Jubilee is a new beginning for everyone. It is a feast of YHVH for all creation; and a right for all
who are called by His name. An inheritance is not something you work for. It is not something you earn. You simply receive it by virtue of relationship. The jubilee is our inheritance. The Sabbath rest is our inheritance. The Sabbath in the Old Testament was a physical action to declare Israel’s total trust in YHVH Jireh as their Provider. People toiled for 7 days to barely make ends meet in those difficult and dangerous days. The LORD instructed that the children of Israel take a day off to rest from all labour. Even when they took the day off, they would have more than enough because it was about YHVH being the Source of all their strength and productivity. This was replicated every 7thyear and finally every 49th year when they took the whole year off. The LORD told Moses: You may ask, “What will we eat in the seventh year if we do not plant or harvest our crops?” I will send you such a blessing in the sixth year that the land will yield enough for three years. hile you plant during the eighth year, you will eat from the old crop and will continue to eat from it until the harvest of the ninth year comes in Lev 25.20-22.
The whole purpose of the sabbatical seasons was to engender trust in YHVH as Source and Provider. It was to have a new beginning for everyone. As other nations watched, they would be drawn to YHVH Jireh. In our New Testament times, these Sabbatical seasons are a type and shadow to signify the kind of rest we get in the LORD because our trust is not in our toil or abilities our intellect or effort, but it is in Him.
In Genesis 1.26-2.2, we read the account of the sixth and seventh days of creation. The beautiful thing about the seventh day is that after YHVH declared that it was the Sabbath, He rested from all the work of creating. Everything was completed forever. He would never need to create another atom of oxygen. While the earth had two people He had anticipated and counted the capacity of oxygen required for 7 billion people today. Similarly He had anticipated the food requirements, the creation of mobile phones and cars and jets and put all resources required for their development in the earth. Then He rested on the 7th day.
While each of the other days came to a close “and evening and morning….” The seventh day had no such closure. It signifies that man, who was created on the 6th day, started His life in Sabbatical rest. It means man was to operate in Sabbath rest throughout his existence. There was no more work to be done, except to maintain the inheritance.
That is one of the principles of the Jubilee. That is why YHVH did not ask man to create anything; but
rather to RE-plenish. Basically all the virtues of the jubilee season have to do with this characteristic of RE-;
RE-turn, RE-store, RE-pent, RE-build, RE-stitution, RE-plenish, RE-new, RE-deem, RE-joice RE-juvinate, REvenge,
When man fell one of the things YHVH said to him was that he would “toil”. Toiling has nothing to do
with rest. The Sabbatical rest was removed from the land. Jubilee was suspended. He said *…+ through
painful toil you will eat of it all the days of your life. By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food untilyou return to the ground*…+ (Gen 3.17). When Lamech begat Noah he said “*…+ He will comfort us in the labour and painful toil of our hands caused by the ground the LORD has cursed”(Gen 5.29).
Again after Noah’s flood, YHVH restored the Sabbath rest on the earth. However when people defile the land with sin, they lose this inheritance. He reintroduced it to the children of Israel through Moses but they lost it when they sinned and were taken away from the land in the dispersions up until 1948 when they returned into the land again. However when we become born again, we enter this new beginning and start the journey back to the original position i.e. Gen 1 &2 – the place of jubilee rest of a lifetime.
In Leviticus 25.8- onward we read about the year of jubilee. While this Kairos feast is commenced on the Day of Atonement on the 49th year, in the Old Testament, it is a lifestyle for all kingdom citizens in the New Testament. Also, we can invoke these virtues whenever we come to a place of a new beginning; and every 7 year cycle. Yeshua the Lamb of YHVH fulfilled this Feast when He died on Calvary and rose again to become the eternal and most acceptable sacrifice for all atonement throughout all eternity.
Therefore it means that when one is born again, the celestial Ram’s horn is blown in heaven to mark the Jubilee of a lifetime in their lives. So our salvation starts from the place of Sabbath rest and from there we ought to operate our whole lives. It is a new beginning.
Remember that the virtues of the jubilee are your inheritance; however YHVH will only give you a foretaste, an earnest of your inheritance until you prove yourself able to handle all He has for you (Gal 4.1-2). The prayer directions herein are to be appropriated as often as possible throughout the coming season as you celebrate this jubilee season.
You are an heir with Yeshua in the territory the LORD has put you in. So as a person in Malawi or any other territory, you are to activate and appropriate all the virtues of the jubilee season as you enter this 7th year cycle as a nation. Remember Jubilee is for all creation. Creation in the territory awaits for kingdom citizens, matured sons to bring it into its liberty in the LORD (Rom 8.19-21)
So how do we go about this? After you have broken down the ungodly foundations to lay the foundations of a new beginning, what kind of foundations do we pray? Yeshua is the only Foundation that was laid (1 Cor 3.11). Therefore what is the characteristic of this Foundation? They are reflected in the 12 foundations of the New Jerusalem.
Pray that these foundations of the Kingdom will begin to reflect over your life, and territory. Pray for yourself that the virtues of the 12 foundations of the Kingdom will reflect progressively in your life, the body of Yeshua and Malawi.
- Enter the gates of this time with thanksgiving and praise to YHVH. Proclaim Psalm 8, 19, 23, 24, 33, 48, 97-100, 103-107, 145-150.
- Dedicate your personal times and seasons to YHVH so that you will live, move and have your being in times that are truly in His hands. Pray this for the nation and kingdom citizens wherever they are. (Psalm 31:15)
- Pray that from this foundation, every moment of your life, of the Body of Yeshua and Malawi will begin to become a kairos moment – the appointed time.
- Pray that in this day, YHVH will restore the years that the cankerworm has eaten and quicken you to fulfil destiny and recover lost grounds. Pray this for the Body of Yeshua and nation. (Joel 2:25)
- Proclaim Isa 61. Pray that YHVH will make you an oak of righteousness, a foundation layer for many generations. (Psalm 58:12-14)
- Psalm 11:3 – Are there broken foundations in the gates of society: In families? In the belief system? In the government? In economy? In Education? in Science & Technology? In the Media? In the arts sports and culture?. Pray that the LORD will raise rebuilders of the broken foundations in every gate of society in Malawi.
- Pray that as the season progresses there will be a continual dealing with age-old foundations as the LORD reveals to kingdom citizens throughout the nation. This is not a one-time activity, as these ancient foundations were built over a long period of time. It takes time to uproot, break-down and leave only the true Foundation Yeshua to undergird every gate of society in the nation.
- Proclaim Psalm 29; utter the voice of the LORD, to break down and destroy every ungodly foundation in every gate of society throughout the coming year.
- Read, meditate on and pray through 1 Cor 3:10-12, 1 Tim 6:19, Tim 2:19
- Thank God that we have entered the end of an era of foundation laying for every gate of society.
- A dynasty known as the Maravi Empire was founded by the Amaravi people in the late 15th century. Pray for the foundational redemptive name of Malawi – it is derived from the word “Maravi” derived from “kurava” – a bantu word for “rays of light,” or “shining” or “Iryuva” “sun”. Pray that the Body of Yeshua in Malawi will bring forth the content of light, revelation knowledge, divine discoveries that will bring deliverance to the rest of the continent. Prov 4.18, Matt 4.16, Isa 9.2
- For people to have knowledge that sets free, they need to have a hunger to consume the Word of the LORD. For therein is the light that we need in the continent to diffuse all the darkness of ignorance, idolatry, and other debilitating bondages that have hitherto hindered our quick progress. Psa 36.9, 119.130,
- The people of the Maravi Empire were iron workers and their name had to do with the sight of many iron-smelting kilns lighting up the night sky. Ironwork is a highly technological activity. There was a content of science and technology that these people had, which helped them harness iron and process it so effectively that they were a major producer in iron-trading the Portuguese and Arabs. In this season of jubilee, there is a release of treasures that are hidden in darkness for the benefit of the people in the land. Pray that the gifting in science and technology for harnessing iron, which is virtually non-existent in present day Malawi will be resurrected as kingdom citizens appropriate the virutes of the jubilee season in the nation.
- There have been discoveries of iron-ore deposits in Blantyre and other parts of Malawi. These are redemptive treasures in the land for the purpose of establishing the kingdom of YHVH in every area of society, and becoming a blessing to the nations. Pray that the LORD will identify and raise apostles in the mining sector in the nation, who will develop excellent policies and vision for the sector which will benefit generations to come.
- From earliest times, the territory of Modern day Malawi was a known bread basket for the region around. They traded in Millet and Sorghum with neighbouring communities including the Arabs who came into the land. They were excellent farmers. Today there are traces of this virtue in the land through maize production. Malawi has been able to supply other nations around it with maize. Pray for this redemptive source of food – that there shall be a return to the God-given food products which were eradicated when the foreigners brought in maize to replace sorghum, millet and other local staples that did not require heavy fertilization and pesticides in order to thrive. Psa 67
- Bring repentance for the vagabond curse which defiled the land as the empire began to expand and trade with the Arabs and Portuguese. As they turned from the YHVH-given resources like iron, millet and sorghum to more lucrative slaves and ivory, the resultant bloodshed and violence that attended this trade defiled the land and the empire began to weaken, break down and eventually got colonized. Today, Malawi is said to be a very “poor” nation but in this season of Jubilee the LORD is offering a new beginning. Gen 4.10-12, Isa 61.8-9,
- Yeshua wore the crown of thorns to break the curse on the land that instead of bringing forth briers and thorns, it would bring forth its strength to those who dedicate it back to the LORD. His blood was shed and poured on the land to redeem it from every vagabond curse. As you bring repentance and appropriate these virtues from the altar of Calvary on the land, pray that you will see a new level of fruitfulness from the land in every area whether agriculture, mining, infrastructural development etc.
- Pray for these virtues to manifest in every gate of society as the LORD leads you:
- RE-turn to inheritance,
- RE-storation of lost or depleted virtues resources years that the cankerworm has devoured,
- RE-pentance spirit over the Ekklesia in the land,
- RE-building of infrastructure and broken down economy families etc,
- RE-stitution especially of what has been stolen or sold off at a pittance especially the inheritance of the nation to foreigners who come to exploit and deplete the natural and human resource base,
- RE-plenishing rather than depletion of resources, people, talents gifts, strengths,
- RE-newal of covenant with YHVH and Israel,
- RE-deeming of the land from ancestral bondages, salvation of souls and a renewal of the gospel of the kingdom,
- RE-joicing for the new beginnings in YHVH
- RE-juvination of hope in the nation in this new season,
- RE-venge of the LORD on the wicked and those who foment violence and GODlessness in every gate of society,
- Favor of the LORD on those who have been hitherto side-lined and gone unrecognized by men.
- Blantyre is a name given by the missionaries who arrived in Malawi in the latter part of the 19th century. Pray for Blantyre that it shall be redeemed and it will manifest the meaning of its Gaelic name – meaning “altar hearth” or “holy ground”, “field of holy men”. Pray that, that which was seen by the missionaries who first came into the land, will be manifest in that region.
- Pray for the Body of Yeshua in Blantyre to arise and take their place in the territory, to dedicate it to the LORD. Blantyre is not only prophetically a spiritual gateway in the land, but it is a hub for the iron-mining. Pray that the Body of Yeshua will appropriate the virtues of the greatest altar that was ever raised – Calvary, and align the destiny of Blantyre which the foundation of this powerful everlasting altar, and the Golden Altar that is before the throne of the LORD in heaven.
- Pray that from Blantyre, the light of the gospel will spring across Malawi, and from this heart of Africa, pump the life-blood of Yeshua throughout the continent.
- Pray for youth to enter into this gate of divine foundations, and receive a strong anointing to nurture and bring forth projects, new technologies, new discoveries in every area of life. We will in this new season get new fathers of various inventions especially with regard to the Godly pattern for harnessing the resources in the earth while we replenish it rather than deplete it.
- By their actions and words, father’s are the teachers of their households. The kind of equipping they give their children will determine how these children will fare in teaching other faithful men. Prophesy over the Ekklesia in Malawi, that a crop of wise fathers will arise in this season, to help educate and direct the knowledge base of the nation so that Malawi can in turn take the content of revelation knowledge that will build the rest of Africa. Isa 54.13-14, Isa 59.21, Prov 1:2-7, Luke 2.52
- Pray for Fathers in Malawi. The word father has to do with foundation layer. This is a season when YHVH is raising up fatherhood once again especially in the families, in the body of Yeshua and in the nations. There has been a lack of fathers who are patterned after the Fatherhood of God. Pray for as many men as you can mention to enter into their position of fatherhood to display the virtues of the foundations of the kingdom in Malawi. Deut 6.4-15
- Pray that in the family gate the Fatherhood of YHVH will be taught in the Body of Yeshua, because all fatherhood is patterned after His Fatherhood and this is a topic that has been drowned out in the midst of the prosperity gospel. (1 John 2:12-14)
- Pray that as many re-learn their role of fatherhood and take their position, order will begin to take place in every gate of society because the men will begin to give due honour to the rest of society including the women, youth, children, widows, orphans, strangers, and the handicapped. These have been out of order because of the lack of fathers. Mal 2:5-7, Isa 60:18
Laying new foundations
The 12 foundations of the new Jerusalem are rich with various significances. However it is a start and may YHVH expose you to deeper things with regard to foundations in this exciting season for the nation.
As you pray, this is a recap of some of the foundational patterns that we are supposed to reflect in our lives as kingdom citizens, the Ekklesia in all its expressions and our territory at large for a Godly jubilee to take hold in the land.
And the foundations of the wall of the city [were] garnished with all manner of precious stones. The first foundation [was] jasper; the second, sapphire; the third, a chalcedony; the fourth, an emerald; the fifth, sardonyx; the sixth, sardius; the seventh, chrysolite; the eighth, beryl; the ninth, a topaz; the tenth, a chrysoprasus; the eleventh, a jacinth; the twelfth, an amethyst. (Revelation 21:19-20)
Each of the stones that represent the foundations has significance.
- Pray that the significance of each foundation stone will be made manifest in your life, in the Body of Yeshua.
- Pray that the significance of these stones will be made manifest in every gate of society in the nation i.e. 1 The Families 2. The Belief System 3. The Government and leadership 4. The Economy 5. The Education System 6. Science & Technology 7. The Media 8. Arts sports and Culture
1 Jasper
1. Justice
2. the truth of faith;
3. glory of God, splendor, brightness, magnificence, and beauty
- Pray Isaiah 54:14 in every gate of society because justice is the outworking of righteousness.
- The first foundation in your life and every gate of society will be patterned after those of the kingdom Psalm 45:5-6, 89.14, 97.2
- The foundation of every leadership position will be patterned in righteousness and justice 2 Chron 9:8
- You will operate in faith which is the opposite of fear because as we enter this jubilee season we lay foundations for fear of YHVH Psalm27:1-2,
- Foundations for faith will be strengthened in kingdom citizens Gal 5.6, James 1:3.
- YHVH will be your light and in His light you will see light. You enter a place of revelation knowledge Isaiah 60:19 , Psalm 36:9, 119:130
- You will enter the place of kingly priesthood and bring others to that place of illumination in YHVH 1 Pet 2:9-10, John 13:3-17, Rom 8:17,
2 Sapphire
1. Truth
2. the height of celestial hope;
3. –beauty, hardness, natural excellence, the flower hyacinth;
- The sapphire described in the Bible looked more like an aquamarine and was the color of heaven
- Without hope as the binding factor between faith and love, then the other two will not thrive. You cannot have faith without hope. You cannot love unconditionally without hope. Ask YHVH to strengthen the foundations for hope and to always give you reason to hope all things in every season from now on. May hope become a strong foundation especially in areas that seem hopeless, in a season when true salvation, true transformation seems hopeless in the society. Pray for a strengthening of your hope from individual to the nation. Rom 4.18, 8:24, 15:13, 1 Cor 13:13, Col 1:5, Eph 4:4, Tit 1:2
- The sapphire was also used as an engagement ring symbolizing us as the bride of Yeshua as in Revelation 21. True intimacy must include a listening ear. Pray for listening ears, seeing eyes, comprehending heart, understanding mind to be established in each kingdom citizen’s life in this season. Pray this for every gate of society.
- Pray for increased intimacy with YHVH through communing with Him in His written and spoken word, in adoration and song ministration, in fellowship with others who love Him and in working, giving to causes that bless Him.
- The height of all hope comes when a lady is engaged to the love of her life. It is a virtual assurance that she will become a wife and be with her man for always. Engagement is one of the highest expressions of a hope-filled life. Joy comes out of the place of hope. As the bride of Yeshua, you ought to have this disposition in everything. Pray that you will display hope in every increasing intensity in every area and you will become a giver of hope to the hopeless.
- It also symbolizes truth, sincerity, faithfulness, and divine favor. Pray that foundations for divine favor will become manifest in your life and in the generations to come.
- Truth and sincerity are rare commodities in our day. Pray that from this day, truth will begin to be a very strong cornerstone in your life and every gate of society. The truth of YHVH and not truth of men will begin to be heard and understood in every quarter. Isa 59:15, Psa 85:11, Pr 12:19, Joh 4:23
- Pray that you will develop foundations for excellence. Pray this especially for Africa where there has existed the lack of excellence in every area of society. People do not care to be excellent. However pray that this foundation will become established in kingdom citizens and as others see these patterns of excellence they will emulate them.
- Excellence has to do with going back to the original patterns in every gate of society. Pray that in this season you shall return to the original mandate of Genesis 1:26-26. You will multiply and replenish rather than multiply and deplete. You will rule and reign with YHVH after His patterns, you will fulfill the destiny YHVH has for you.
- Excellence has to do with keeping your proper boundaries. As YHVH opens up His bounty in this season pray that you will have strong foundations of excellence in this area. You will operate in your rank and file and not covet or grasp after another person’s lot. You will no longer jostle for position and possessions especially those that are not meant for you. You will recognize and be content with your lot. Pray this for Kingdom citizens and for every gate of society. Joel 2:3-8
- The Sapphire was reserved for kings and priests. This is a season of kingly priesthood. Pray Deuteronomy 17:14-20 over your life, and over leaders in every gate of society. Pray that these patterns will become the foundation of kingly priesthood’s leadership in every gate of society
3 Chalcedony
1. Protection/sealed – This stone was used on the king’s signet ring as a seal.
2. the flame of inner charity
- Pray that in this season you will truly experience the sealing of the Holy Spirit in your life. pray this for kingdom citizens in every gate of society.
- A seal is put on an item or envelop so that only the rightful recipient can open it. Virginity is a seal which is expected to be broken by the rightful recipient i.e. the spouse in marriage. We are the bride of Yeshua and He has given us the Holy Spirit as our seal. Have you given yourself over to something else? Have you other loves that are more important than He is? They are idols and they are illegal recipients of that which is His alone. Think about those things that you have idolized above Him, and bring repentance.
- Ask the Holy Spirit to re-seal you so you will be closed to every other love but only open to Him. This may take time as you wean yourself off other things, even good things; and turn your focus on Him alone and what He wants to do in your life.
- Pray that foundations for protection on every side, of being hedged in will be manifest in your life. Prophesy Psalm 91 over your lie and every kingdom citizen in each gate of society.
- Protection and being sealed in can involve hard process especially when you have had no boundaries. Pray that as YHVH begins to seal you in, to hedge you in, you will recognize His hand on your life and submit to His bidding. Hosea 2:5-7
- Protection has to do with the banner of YHVH over you. Pray that indeed your lifestyle will echo Song of Solomon 2:4, Psalm 23, 41:2
- Angelic protection has been ignored in the Body of Yeshua. Pray that this will become a foundational pattern in your life and in the Body of Yeshua. Psalm 91:14-15
- Pray that YHVH will continually protect kingdom citizens especially in territories where there has been increased persecution John 17:15
- Pray that in this season the flame of inner charity will become a foundation of your life. You will not seek accolades of men but as you display your charitability which stems from within you because of your first foundation founded in intimacy, then you will become more visible and more known in the Spiritual realm. Your voice print will sound clear in the spirit realm. Isa 34:1, 49:1, Isa 28:23
- Pray that you will become more sensitive to your walk with the Holy Spirit and aware of what it means to be sealed by Him.
4 Emerald or Garnet –
1. Glories of God and His saints,
2. Faith/peace
3. rebirth freshness, essence of life, new life
4. growth, integrity, ,
5. increase and prosperity
6. the strength of faith in adversity
7. Love
- Pray that in this season kingdom citizens will understand better the unity of the Body of Yeshua in its diversity rather than the divisiveness that has pervaded in the past. Pray and prophesy 1 Cor 12 over the Body of Yeshua.
- Pray that the above reality will begin with you. Ask YHVH to break every boundary that exists in your heart and caused you to tend toward various divisive characteristics when relating to other kingdom citizens. Rom 12:3,
- As you grow and establish foundations of intimacy with YHVH pray that indeed the peace of God shall become a foundation in your life. There is a great lack of faith because we do not have peace with God. Rom 5:1, Phil 4:72 Thess 1:2
- Pray that because of realization of the covenant of His protection over your life, your faith and peace will grow in this coming season and become a lifestyle pattern. Pray this for kingdom citizens everywhere.
- This gate signifies a new season. In every gate of society there are so many areas that require a new life, others require times of refreshing and others require a rebirth and resurrection especially in manifesting the fruit of the Spirit and the Inspirational gifts of the Spirit, and clear return to your redemptive destiny. Think about those areas and begin to bring them before YHVH. Ask for a renewing of those foundations. Psalm 5:1, Psalm 51:12, Psalm 126, Isa 1:26, Isa 57:14-18, Pray for the restoration of Israel to her position as YHVH’s first born. Pray for this foundation for continued intercession for Israel to become a foundation for your life and the Body of Yeshua Joel 3:1, Jer 30:17, Psa 122, Acts 15:16,
- It is a season to enter your place as a mature son. Childishness has to go as you lay foundations for faith. Children must see to believe but matured sons operate in faith. Pray that as faith grows in this season, you will let go of childish ways and be led by faith in YHVH and in His word.
- Growth has to do with knowing that you know in the absence of physical signs or emotional feelings. Pray that you will not be dependent on ‘signs” and “feelings” but on what He has said in His word.
- As you develop a listening ear in this season pray that you will become dependent on hearing Him and doing only His bidding and not just any “good” thing. 1 Sam 3:9-10, Prov 28:9,
- Pray that in this season integrity – being straight and true shall be the mark of kingdom citizens in every gate of society as they grow from children to sons. As they take this character they shall become weapons in YHVH’s hand and arrows that fly straight and strike deep in the enemy’s camp and take up new territory for the kingdom. Prophesy Psa 127: 3-5, Jer 51:20-23
- Pray for increase and prosperity on every side for kingdom citizens who diligently lay these 12 foundations especially this season when nations are going into deeper economic struggle.
- Pray that kingdom citizens will keep watch and increase prayer at the watches to keep the enemy from landing business demons in every territory where they represent and in every gate of society. As they do this they will strengthen their foundations in increase and prosperity Gen 26:22, Isa 26:15
- Pray that in this season when YHVH is actively taking the wealth which the wicked have amassed and transferring it to the righteous, you will be found to have the right capacity spiritually and physically and mentally to handle this increase. Ask YHVH to search you and kingdom citizens as a whole, and bring light in those areas where you may have pockets full of holes, or very little capacity because of poor preparations.
- Pray that YHVH will show you what to do in order to be prepared to receive His abundance in this season of increase and prosperity. Isa 54:2-6,
- Pray for Israel that in this season when nations continue to pressure them to give up land YHVH will indeed fulfill His word. Prophesy Isa 33:20, Isaia 49:19-20 over the actual land of Israel.
- Malawi is the only nation that never broke ties with Israel through the years when African nations had a diplomatic embargo on the nation. Thus, Malawi enjoys a special privileged relationship with Israel. Pray that as this relationship enters its jubilee, there will be a new level of diplomatic but also spiritual connection between these two nations.
- Pray that Malawi will lead by example as one of the distinct sheep nations in the continent; and that her stance will be redemptive for other nations of Africa with regard to our relationship with Israel for the end-time purposes as prophesied in Isa 19.23-25.
- Pray that in this coming season of adversity in so many levels, YHVH will strengthen faith and raise at all times people, circumstances that will keep you sealed in His protective cover and you will learn whatever lessons you need within a cover of His love , Psa 49:5 Prov 24:10, Eccl 7:14, Isa 30:20, Jer 12:5, Heb 13:3
- Pray through 1 Cor 13 that YHVH will teach you how to love Him and all His creation with unconditional love.
5 Sardonyx
1. Self control/holiness
2. the humility of the saints in spite of their virtues;
- We are in a season when people have little self control. People believe in getting whatever they want in whichever way they will get it immediately as long as they are able to. This is lack of self control. Pray that Self control will become a virtue of your life and a foundational pattern for kingdom citizens. Gal 5:23, 2 Tim 1:7,
- There is very little self control among the youth with regard to sexual immorality. Many are unwilling to wait until they are married to participate in this sacred gift. Even parents and leaders in the Body of Yeshua have taken it to be a norm. In this season pray that YHVH will revisit those broken foundations in the area of chastity and stir up the youth themselves to realize the vanity of having everything they feel like experiencing “immediately” and the instant they want it. Thus they have exposed themselves to the enemy’s attack by these broken walls of lack of self control. Prov 25:28, Eccl 10:8,
- Without self control one cannot exercise holiness. Pray that as you read the Word and engage with YHVH in this season, a pursuit for holiness and a pure lifestyle before YHVH will become your vision and highest goal. Pray this for kingdom citizens in every gate of society. 2 Pet 1:6, Tit 2:2
- As you lay these foundations and make them your lifestyle, YHVH will begin to manifest His destiny gifts, calling and equipping in your life. Pray that as you enter into that place of destiny and gain visibility in your sphere of influence, you will not become puffed up with pride, but you will become more and more humble. 1 Pet 5:6,
- Pray that if there is any area where you have not been humble before YHVH and in some ways have had pride whether visibly or within your heart, YHVH will light those areas and you will be able to repent and come back in the right way. Obad 1:3, Prov 8:13, 11:2, 29:23,
6 Sardius (Carnelian/Ruby)
1. Love
2. preciousness, of great value, costly glories, The venerable blood of the martyrs
3. wisdom and prized treasure
- Rubies are more rare than top quality diamonds. Pray that these RARE foundations of unconditional love, the spirit of martyrdom which has escaped the Body of Yeshua in the face of a comfortable and comfort-seeking prosperity gospel, and wisdom which stems from the fear of YHVH will become a foundational pattern in your life and the Body of Yeshua in this new season.
- Pray for wisdom in this season to become a foundation for your life. There has been a great lack of wisdom. However wisdom is only found in the fear of YHVH. Deut 6:13, Job 28:28, Psa 19:9, Prov 2:1-5, Prov 15:33, Prov 22:4, Prov 23:23
- Is it not surprising that the person who is considered the wisest man who ever lived King Solomon, displayed every one of the 7 Spirits of YHVH, except the Spirit of the fear of YHVH? That is why he could build a magnificent temple to YHVH and still raise altars to all idols of the gentile nations. Yet he was still “wise”. Is it possible that you can be brimming with the wisdom of men and have none of the precious and rare wisdom of God which is the most prized treasure? Pray that you will learn the fear of YHVH so that you can manifest not just human wisdom, but the wisdom of God. Prophesy that as you manifest the wisdom of God, you will be built up, established and enriched Prov 24:3-5
7 Chrysolite (Peridot)
1. Thankfulness/Praise
2. True spiritual preaching accompanied by miracles;
- Praise and thankfulness are a difficult commodity to come by. Those who are very comfortable see nothing to be thankful for because of the pursuit of more and more comforts. Those who are struggling with lack and much suffering also struggle to be thankful and to have a praising disposition because life is so difficult. Pray that YHVH will shine His light on your life and show you where you have fallen short in praising Him and being thankful in ALL things.
- Rom 1:21, A thankful disposition is one that promotes a soft heart toward YHVH. When we are not thankful our hearts are hardened and we tend toward greater and greater sin as the progression is shown in Rom 1.21 onward. It starts with an unthankful, ingrate of a heart! Pray that in this season YHVH will show you all those areas where your heart has become hardened toward Him because of an unthankful disposition. Eph 4:18, Jer 2:5, 9:14, 2 King 17:15
- Pray that the Holy Spirit will always put a song of praise and thankfulness, or a word in your spirit on a moment to moment basis so that you are continually lifting a sacrifice of praise and thanks. Psa 100:4, Col 3;15, Col 4:2
8. Beryl
1. Wisdom
2. Humility
3. The Beryl is a stone that was used to examine things like a magnifying glass. It has to do with discernment with accuracy.
- As we lay foundations of thankfulness and praise Him, when we Abide in Him, Behold Him, develop ears tuned to hear Him, develop self control, bearing fruit, and are positioned to rule an reign with Him we can now judge for we are able to see and discern things with accuracy. Pray that this will become a foundational character in your life. Pray this for kingdom citizens in every gate of society.
- There has been a lack of discernment and humility in the Body of Yeshua. Pray that in this season YHVH will visit one more time and expose any areas of lack of wisdom and raise people who will teach wisdom and be examples of a humble life. pray that He shall begin with you and move to every part of the Body of Yeshua.
- Even as YHVH gives you greater discernment and wisdom on how to utilize that discernment to His glory, pray that you will remain humble.
9 Topaz
1. Light
2. Beauty, worthiness, pure heart,
3. Love of God and people bringing forth peace and resting
4. The ardent contemplation of the prophecies
- Meditate on Isa 30:15, 1 Chron 22:9, Eccl 4:6 and pray through them as YHVH leads you in laying foundations of peace, rest and quietness.
- We are in a world where there is so much noise from so many quarters. There is too much information and very little in terms of digesting it or even ingesting it. Sin abounds in a world where there is a lot of preaching coming from every angle. This is because people are not careful to be selective of what is coming at them, they do not take time to be still and quiet before YHVH to even ingest and digest what they receive and end up as very shallow, carnal believers. Pray that in this season, you will come to a place of seeking a quieter spirit, and keeping your environment with minimal selected information coming at you. Pray that what you receive will become part of your lifestyle and you will grow thereby.
- The people who displayed the quietest, gentlest spirits in the scriptures were very busy men. Joshua had a quiet spirit – a disposition that could hear a clear directive from YHVH in the midst of intense battle against four kings. He could hear the Holy Spirit inspire him to tell the sun and moon to stand still until the battle was won. Philip had this spirit. In the midst of a raging revival in Samaria, he was able to hear YHVH tell him to leave all the crowds and go down to Gaza to minister to one Ethiopian eunuch. A quiet gentle spirit will hear the Holy Spirit in the midst of intense action, noise, chaos, pressure from every side. Pray that you will develop this quiet spirit in your life.
- Topaz is so soft it can lose it’s polish if not carefully used. Our gifts to serve others can lose their luster as well if not used under the direction and counsel of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God. We need to remain soft and not abrasive for our service to be effective. Pray that these characteristics of a gentle walk with the Holy Spirit will become your foundation.
- Pray that this gentle disposition in a world where people ride roughshod over others, are grasping, loud and irreverent, will draw out the beauty, worthiness and pure heart of YHVH and others will begin to emulate you. Pray that this will become a foundational pattern of the kingdom citizens everywhere.
- Pray that there will rise a deeper understanding of the Sabbath and the principle of rest which has become shunned in a dog-eat-dog, extremely busy and fast passed world.
- Pray that you will learn to work in rest. Pray this for kingdom citizens everywhere.
- It is only in a place of rest that you can become contemplative, meditative considering the Scriptures, nature and those whom YHVH has put around you. It is only in that place that YHVH can begin to speak to you clearly about things to come and give you clear direction and interpretation of every event in your life. Pray that this will become a regular habit in your spiritual walk with YHVH. Pray this for kingdom citizens in every gate of society.
10 Chrysoprasus
1. Repentance/ forgiveness
2. The work of the blessed martyrs and their reward;
- Repentance and forgiveness are two areas that many well meaning kingdom citizens struggle with in-spite of their submission to YHVH in many other areas. There are many unresolved inner wounds in people’s lives. Pray that in this season the spirit of repentance and forgiveness will be stirred up in the lives of kingdom citizens in every gate of society.
- o Pray that in this season when YHVH is laying new foundations, the spirit of grace and supplication will move in the Body of Yeshua so that people will bring repentance for false foundations which we have been operating in, in so many areas.
- Ask YHVH to help kingdom citizens to walk in continuous forgiveness in the face of persecution. May this virtuous foundation become a testimony to those who do not know YHVH.
- You cannot forgive where there is absence of unconditional love. Pray that as the foundations of love are re-laid in your life and in kingdom citizens everywhere, there shall rise a great spirit of forgiveness as an expression of this love.
- Pray that every martyr at every level shall begin to receive their reward both in this world and in the world to come.
11th Jacinth
1. To raise up, bear, offer, take,
2. The celestial rapture of the learned in their high thoughts and their humble descent to human things out of regard for the weak
3. Signifies Yeshua like, abiding – symbolizing grapes bearing fruit.
- Pray that you will bear fruit of the Holy Spirit as manifest in each of the foundations of this new season. Gal 5:22
- Pray that you will learn to abide in YHVH in all seasons. Pray John 15:5 for yourself and kingdom citizens as a whole.
- Pray that you will continually be conscious that there is a great day of YHVH coming and you should be continually living a lifestyle that is ready for His coming Zeph 1:7-14, 1 Thess 5:2, 2 Pet 3:10,
- Pray that the foundations of a life fully submitted to God and overcoming by the blood of the lamb, by the word of our testimony and submitted to YHVH, will be manifest in this season. This is the basis of a fruitful life.
- Pray that you will become a mentor of others and you will not leave any place without a proper successors. Pray this for leaders in every gate of society.
12: Amethyst:
1. To bind firmly (Mark 3:27)
2. Nobility, sobriety, Royal priesthood, kingship and majesty (1 Pet 2:9, Rev 5:10, 20:6,
3. The constant thought of heavenly kingdom in humble souls
- Pray that in this season – any evil foundation that has been super-imposing your God-ordained divine foundations shall be exposed and destroyed as you seek YHVH (Psa 11:3)
- There has been an emphasis on the priestly office but the kingly office has been ignored, thus bringing imbalance in every area of the house of YHVH. Pray for laying of foundations for the full gospel which includes the kingly portion.
- Pray that in this season the foundations for the Great Commission will be firmly implanted in kingdom citizens as the message of the day of YHVH begins to resound on pulpits across the nations. (Matt 28:18-20)
- Pray that this final foundation will indeed be firmly bound for many generations.
- Pray that YHVH will bring to remembrance things that will keep your mind heavenward at all times without being irrelevant to earthly issues in your sphere of influence. Pray this for kingdom citizens everywhere.
- Thank Yeshua that He is the Foundation that was laid and that he will under-gird every other godly foundation in your life, and in the lives of kingdom citizens in every gate of society.
Prophesy over every area of your life:
For further reading order your copy of:
1. Enter Your Jubilee
2. Praying Through the Gates of Time
3. Praying for the Gates @ the Watches.
Thank you for this great powerful prayer! I so needed it ~ God bless your ministry.