Prayers for Ramadan Season 2014
The Ramadan is the holy month of Islamic fast, which will commence on the sundown of the 9th new moon on the Islamic calendar and ends on the 10th new moon with the celebration of Idd ul Fitr. The season will commence on 29th June 2014. The Ramadan is an annual season for cleansing of souls and renewal of covenants, drawing of power from the altar of “Allah” for the purpose of ruling in the affairs of men. Various activities take place during this month, which are not necessary during other times of the year.
- The Moslems will fast for the daylight hours from sunrise to sunset. They are not allowed to take in anything at all whether food or drink. However during the night hours, they can eat until the next sunrise.
- The five prayer times are observed more strictly during that month
- The Moslems are encouraged to give Zakat (alms) more than other times.
- They are encouraged to read 1/30th of their covenant document – the Koran daily so as to finish reading or reciting it by the end of the 30 days.
- Those who have memorized the Koran can recite the entire document on a daily basis
- The strict adherents observe the Tahajjud – the midnight watch daily during this season.
- The last ten days are some of the most important for this fast. They observe what they refer to as the night of destinies, a season of new beginnings. The purpose is significant to them and for the destiny of people who are not of their faith too.
As the season begins it is important as a kingdom citizen to pray with understanding that there is heightened spiritual activity all over the world as the Ramadan season commences. This season is important for kingdom citizens thus the enemy ensures that he will prepare a counterfeit new beginning which will usher in the opposite of everything YHVH has in store for kingdom citizens worldwide.
As you gain this knowledge, pray into the womb of Ramadan season and reclaim your blessing, destiny and everything that is meant for you from YHVH. Remember to pray through the midnight and midday watches during these days (use Praying Through the Gates of Time book)
During the final 10 days of the Ramadan there is increased counterfeit spiritual activity around the Night of Power (Laylat al-Qadr). The prophet Mohammed said whoever prayed on Laylat al-Qadr shall have their past sins forgiven, and he recommended to seek it the last 10 days . Kingdom citizens ought to pray with understanding on a daily basis to counter the effects of the Ramadan activities worldwide in these final days.
Quoting the Koran, Surat al-Qadr: 97; “Lo! We revealed it on the Night of Power. Ah, what will convey unto thee what the Night of Power is! The Night of Power is better than a thousand months. The angels and the spirit (jibril) descend therein, by the permission of their lord, will all decrees. That night is peace until the rising of the dawn.
It is said to be the night when Mohammed was given the first few verses of Koran- the covenant book of Islam. The Ramadan being a season of renewal of this covenant, they endeavor to read 1/30th of the Scripture daily so that they can finish by the end of the Ramadan season. The Laylat al-Quadr is also referred to as the night of readjustment, night of destinies, night of decrees and night of measures.
The purpose of intensified prayer and Koran quotation is to make decrees, take measures, readjust destinies, exchange their vices with virtues of the ignorant “infidels”. Various portions e.g. Surat al-Falaq, Surat Al-Ikhlas, Surat al-Nas etc and surahs calling for the killing of infidels in holy war (jihad) are quoted and these have to do with exchange of destinies. On that night children make a wish and an angel comes to collect these, and distribute fortunes too.
It is said that the deity Allah determines the course of the world for the coming year making sure that anything for the whole year after the new moon is determined in that season. Children are taught to watch for the opening of the sky on that night and make a wish. There are spirits (jibril) that must collect what they ask for. That is a counterfeit messenger spirit to Gabriel the arch-angel of YHVH.
- Yeshua died for all creation. He already died for so many Moslems who are perishing without receiving His sacrifice. Bring before YHVH the Moslem brethren in your territory Many who are fasting are zealous and desire to do what is right. Pray that there shall occur situations where they will hear and understand this gospel of salvation and the kingdom whether from you or other media.
- YHVH was merciful to meet Saul on the road to Damascus because of his zeal for YHVH though from a wrong perspective. Pray that during this season there shall be such a supernatural experience for many Moslems who seek for the LORD from a wrong perspective (Acts 9:1-9).
- Pray that YHVH will raise kingdom citizens around them who will explain the gospel; and where YHVH will use you, to put His words in your mouth so you convey the gospel of salvation and the kingdom to them and rightly divide the truth to them. Ask that as they seek for truth and life in this season, YHVH will appear to many of them in whichever way they will understand and receive Him (Act 10:1-8).
- Praise YHVH as King of the Universe. Command all creation to join you in praising YHVH as you proclaim Psalm 148 over the last 10 nights of Ramadan and the coming season.
- Proclaim Psalm 19:1-4; and command the heavens to join you in declaring the glory of YHVH over your life, family, the Ekklesia and your territory. The heavens will reject every other instruction given to them in this season and do only YHVH’s 8-fold purpose of their creation (Gen 1:14-17).
- As you dedicate this season to YHVH command each day marked by the heavens, to respond to the roaring and thunderings of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah Yeshua Himself and His instruction concerning it, and every night to display the knowledge of the glory of YHVH alone. The day and night are YHVH’s and shall not be defined by man-made or demonic decrees.
- The Scriptures says that the worshippers of YHVH shall decree a thing and it shall be established Job 22:27-30 Therefore cancel every false and counterfeit decree being made these nights concerning your life, family and kingdom citizens in the territory; decree that the blood of Yeshua shall cover you and the guardian demons of Ramadan shall not come near your dwelling.
- Declare that for every down-casting the kingdom of darkness has been activated to bring upon you and kingdom citizens by the chantings from Koran you will declare an uplifting and promotion and the Voice of the Lion of Judah.
- Pray that every arrow shot at you, every waste and destruction that comes with their words, shall turn back to sender. (Psalm 91:2-6)
- As the surahs are read seeking for their protection as Allah determines the course of world events by raining curses and reversing the destinies of nations to give his followers unfair advantage, declare Psalm 18:1-3, 46:1-3, 91:1, Prov 18:10. Pray that in this season as many as will call on the name of YHVH He will be a Fortress, a Strong Tower to give true protection from wickedness.
- Ramadan comes in the 9th month of the Islamic calendar. It is their month of birthing, a new beginning and renewal of covenants. Pray that in this season the true rebirth will occur as many who are ignorantly serving the deity allah will encounter YHVH and Yeshua H’Mashiah. Joh 3:16-17
- They renew covenant by sacrifice of fasting. They do not serve their god by conveniences but by conviction. Read Psalm 50 and pray that you, your family and kingdom citizens will receive the grace to give the acceptable sacrifice of fasting, word intake and fellowshipping with YHVH more seriously in order to gain the level of impact that can effectively counter these counterfeit sacrifice.
- That sacrifice they give helps them renew covenant. Every night they program events with the various surahs that curse infidels and seek their own protection, they kill, they exchange destinies, they activate spiritual robbery of money, virtues, health, favor, opportunities, business, in various ways. One of these is to share food with those whom they have targeted e.g. “infidel” business people, intelligent children of neighbors, government leaders and powerful politicians, influential people in community, the beggarly and poor – to shift poverty and disenfranchisement to them. As you eat with them and accept their gifts there is a transference of spirits unbeknownst to you and sometimes even to them. Repent for ignorantly accepting offerings given to demon-gods.
- Repent on behalf of influential people in your community who have unknowingly transferred virtues of power, control and authority in business, and political leadership to these people as they endeavor to “win” their favor and partake of their sacrificed offerings of money, or food.
- During this season they are encouraged to give sacrificially. Those who receive these monies do not realize they have sold their talents, abilities and power to make wealth to these people as they greedily or innocently accept their offerings (Deut 8:17-20, Isa 48:17).
- “The night of power is more valuable than a 1000 months” i.e. what you do in that night is enough to change destinies for the 83.3 years. It means that they exchange your destiny and that one of your children yet unborn and that of every business, every influential gate e.g. media for nearly one century. Ask YHVH to have mercy on you for ignorantly allowing these exchanges to go unhindered as you prayed simplistic prayers. Pray this for the Body of Yeshua.
- Ask that YHVH will raise you and more kingdom citizens, matured sons who will take responsibility to counter such activities in the territory and establish the redemptive purpose of YHVH in every gate of society. (Eph 4:11-15)
- Unbeknownst to many kingdom citizens, and the ignorant, Moslems come into a territory and it does not matter how poor or disenfranchised they may be. As long as they keep covenant by sacrifice of Ramadan, after a few cycles of Ramadan they begin to occupy positions of influence in every part of the world, in politics and the economy no matter what minority they hold. They do this because they have been exchanging destinies over a number of Ramadan seasons. Today, they are rapidly taking over nations of the west and Africa too in key positions of influence. Repent on behalf of the Ekklesia for ignorance in teaching and equipping the kingdom citizens on how to transform and influence their communities. Rather they have been lost in other flimsy teachings that tickle itchy ears and have little impact. John 10:10
- Economic power gives political clout. The purpose for economic power is to gain influence at national foundational levels. Those who have the real influence begin to dictate what goes into the constitution, the nations’ foundational covenant with its people, the document that defines what is legal and what is illegal in a nation.
- People do not gain influence by advocacy and lobbying. They do so by sacrifice. The priesthood with the most active altars, no matter how small, is the one that will gain influence and change the laws. Examine the sympathetic attitude that nations have toward Islam even though it has brought untold destruction, and the intolerance they are rapidly gaining against Judeo-Christian Biblical values.
The active priesthood that keeps covenant by sacrifice has gained authority. Read Heb 7:12 and bring repentance for your desire to enjoy convenience at the expense of your intrinsic liberty in YHVH as laws are rapidly changing to resist Biblical standards.
- Pray for the Body of Yeshua and ask Him to show you where you can begin at individual level and at community level to etol Him as King of the Universe and have influence in the laws of the land.
- Pray that what YHVH ordained over your life, family, city and nation will be released with guardian angelic hosts to counter every activity of the counterfeit jibril and his surrogate spirits in this season.
- After the prayer activity on the night of power, they break each day with a covenant meal at dawn. Ask YHVH to give you a revelation concerning taking the Holy Communion on a regular basis to as a regular act of renewing covenant and drawing the virtues of the most powerful altar ever raised. Pray this for the Body of Yeshua.
This is a season of warfare. Call upon YHVH Sabaoth, to arise and every enemy of progress released from the kingdom of darkness in this season to scatter. Read Judges 6:1-6. The purpose of these nights is to take what is yours and then destroy the rest so you have absolutely nothing. It is referred to as the curse of the eastern people so they can control and intimidate you.
Demonic spirits that are still at work today drove these ancient people groups. Demons spirits that came in marauding forces that eat up what is yours, and destroy what they cannot take, drove them.
They destroy the land and leave nothing behind. Is it a wonder wherever this spirits of Islam go, the desert literally follows? The following prayers will help you put an end to the curse of the eastern peoples and the marauding forces of the Midianites, and the Amalekite spirit that is coming against you in your territory.
- What they don’t eat they burn – Amalekites – meaning “to lick” – whatever they don’t take they lick up and leave nothing. Read 1 Samuel 30:1-2, 6-8. Are there areas you can see the destruction of these spirits in your life? Family? Territory? Pray that YHVH will give you and kingdom citizens in the territory the presence of mind to encourage yourselves in YHVH and enquire for His strategy to turn back the battle.
YHVH at every turn promised to wipe out the Amalekite spirit in every generation (Exod 17:13-16). Though the people were wiped out the spirit that drove them remains. In every generation those who seek YHVH are promised that they will pursue, overtake and without fail recover all if they deal effectively with this spirit (1 Sam 15:1-3, Esth 3:1,6,-11, 7:9-10, 9:1-3). As you deal with these spirits pray thus:
- Some of them got their own foundations in Ur of the Chaldeans where Abraham people were worshipping the crescent moon and star. Declare null and void, everything that has been programmed into the moon, the sun the stars every programming in the heavens militating against your progress, YHVH’s purpose for your life, the establishment of what He put in you before time, everything the enemy tried to use from those nights. Pray this for kingdom citizens and your nation.
- Col 2:14-15, Go into the archives of every part of creation and blot out by the blood of Yeshua Whatever man has been used to say and program into the havens. Go by the blood of Yeshua and wipe out every handwriting of ordinance against you, your family, and territory, in the name of Yeshua the Lion of the Tribe of Judah and utter His roaring’s and thunderings to silence every other voice therein.
- Deut 32:22 , Ezek 9:9-10:2-3. Wherever they are congregating in these days towards the end of the Ramadan scatter those gatherings by fire. Pray that the lightning of YHVH and thunderings will go after them.
- Prophetically spread the fire from between the cherub at the altar over your territory. Let that fire consume their gains and every curse, every wicked release from the renewal of their unGODly covenants, consume everything that has been used to alter your destiny, the destiny of the Body of Yeshua and your territory.
- Job 38:22-23, Psa 18:13-15, Psalm 68:1-4; Utter the voice of YHVH. He gave His voice and His voice releases hailstones reserved for times of battle like these, arrows that strike on target in the enemy camp. Ask Him to release the arsenal reserved for these days of battle, to shoot his arrows and scatter them.
- Let the blast of the breath of His nostrils expose and destroy the foundations of everything they have put in place against His purpose in your life, family, Body of Yeshua and nation. Declare an end to the operation of everything that is contrary to Him.
- Isa 28:14-19; During these nights, 25 select elders from different parts of the world meet at Mohammed’s grave to draw power because of the mystery of the grave. Declare that every mystery of the grave every covenant with death, every agreement with hell over your life, family, Kingdom citizens, over your community and territory be broken in Yeshua’s name for He had victory over death, the grave and hell on the Cross of Calvary. Declare those covenants dissolved and broken by the blood of Yeshua.
- Declare the end of the operation of at every manifestation of death eating your health and strength
- Declare annulled dissolved abrogated by the power of YHVH and by the blood of Yeshua, every covenant with death over your life family, and over kingdom citizens worldwide,. He died and gained victory over death.
- Declare that every pit they dig they will fall into it. whatever stone they roll at you will roll back over them in Yeshua’s name. They will not hold your territory any more but will become a stench to all people
- Declare their lies, falsehoods and counterfeit manifestations of power, influence and wealth exposed.
- 1 Cor 3:11 only Yeshua is the Foundation. Every other foundation for new seasons, and covenant they have tried to lay is a counterfeit attempt because no man can lay any other foundation except Yeshua
- Declare disannulled, every covenant with death the spirit of the Islam has made is disannulled concerning your life, family, influence, wealth, territory, and every ground gained, every progress made as a result of these things in Yeshua’s name.
- Their agreement with hell shall not stand and the overflowing scourge shall pass through, flash them out and sweep them away. They are trodden down in Yeshua’s name.
- Place the Cross of Yeshua between you and every utterance that is contrary to the Kingdom of YHVH, between the Body of Yeshua and every utterance or action and between your territory and all activities of the spirit of Allah.
- Isa 42:22. On each of these nights, it is a time of recovery from the marauding forces and these spirits of the Eastern people and Midianites and Amalek. Declare a break out from every hole you and kingdom citizens have been put in, every graveyard you have been buried in, every destructive force that is around you in Yeshua’s name.
- The Scriptures say that the people are plundered because there is no one to declare “Restore”, Send them back”. Therefore 7 times, declare RESTORE! concerning every plunder, every loot, every spiritual robbery, every transference of virtues, every exchange of destiny over your life, your family, kingdom citizens and the territory.
- Pray that as you are being restored, you will receive full expression of deliverance of you family, fellowship, territory; and you go forth as a deliverer to administer deliverance to your generation and every place of encounter. You will express Yeshua The Deliverer.
- Isa 49:24-25 – declare liberty from everything that is holding you captive rightly or wrongly, whatever is contending with you, with your family, the Body of Yeshua and territory,
- Prophesy that your children (natural and everything that is produced by you) every seed of YHVH you are supposed to produce will be released in Yeshua’s name.
- Pray for every child you know that is held back, every transference of marauding spirits released, every transfer of brain and virtues, every evil load released will be broken and they are set free and covered by the name and blood of Yeshua.
- Psalm 35 Let the angel of the YHVH Gabriel pursue the marauding forces and destroy them completely and stop them and take back what belongs to you and to kingdom citizens in the territory.
- Psa 149:9, Zech 5:1-5; Send judgment to every gathering, every household, every individual who insists on releasing unGODly, destiny-stealing proclamations in the territory. Decree that the flying scroll will visit every destiny thief in this season until they come to the knowledge of truth.
- Prophesy for yourself Job 29:1-6 that YHVH will watch over you in this season, your paths will be lit by His light and your path anointed with butter.
- Thank YHVH for continued revelation and that each prayer will be sealed in every part of the universe to counter every unGODly release.