The month of July is called AB in Hebrew. It is approximately equivalent to the fifth (5th) Jewish sacred calendar month. It is reckoned as the eleventh (11th) month with reference to the Jewish civil calendar.
It was on the first day of this month of AB, that Aaron the High Priest went to Mount Hor at God’s command and died there (Numbers 33:38).
On the Roman calendar, July was the 5th month and was called “QUlNTILIS” in Latin meaning ‘fifth’. Julius Caesar assigned 31 days to the month of July in the year 46 BC. The Roman senate named the month “Julius” in honour of Julius Caesar; this is how it acquired its name JULY. According to the Gregorian calendar, July is the seventh (7th) month.
In the Northern Hemisphere, July is usually the hottest month of the year. In the Southern Hemisphere July is one of the winter months. During this month, in places where there is not much rain, the grass often looses its green colour. Some particular flowers are abundant in July because they thrive on the heat. In addition, insects are abundant as well. This generally implies that life thrives well in July.
Prayers concerning the month of July
As people of God who have dominion over God’s creation (Psalm 8),
- Command the month of July to fully fulfil God’s pleasure for creating it (Rev 4:11)
- Instruct each day of the month of July to utter praise & worship to God its creator (Ps 19:2; Ps 118:24).
The nations should benefit every month from God’s tree of life (Rev. 22:2).
Down the middle of the great street of the city, on each side of the river stood the tree of life, bearing twelve crops of fruit, yielding its fruit every month. And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations (Rev 22:2).
Prayer points related to the numbers 5, 7, and 11, are significant & relevant for this month.
- Pray that God will cause to be released every fruit meant for the 5th, 7th and 11th month by the Tree of life into your life, your marriage, family, church, nation and continent. (Rev 22:2; Ezek 47:12)
“…And the leaves are for the healing of the nations’ (Rev 22:2)
Let the leaves of the tree of life bring healing to the nations: bringing them from death to life, and from darkness to light (Isa 9:2; Math 4:16).
- Pray that, in this 5th, 7th, and 11th month, God would cause the leaves of the tree of life to be medicine that will bring about the desired healing for the specific areas of your life, your marriage and family, the work of your hands; tribe, clan and the church of Jesus Christ (Ezek 47:12).
The 5th month is usually the time the enemy, the dragon, visits the house and people of God to destroy what has been built, as found in 2 Kgs 25:8-9 and Jer 52:12-13.
- Pray that God goes forth as a mighty man and prevails against the dragon and his surrogate spirits who come to steal, kill and destroy. They attempt to do this by polluting, contaminating and defiling God’s people who are being built into His spiritual houses, filled with the treasures of the fruit of the spirit (Isa 42:13-16, Joh 10:10, Math 16:18, 1Pet.2:5, Gal 5:22,23).
The 7th month is a time for God’s people to humble themselves with fasting and repentance for atonement and cleansing of sins.
- Pray that the power of God be released upon the church of Jesus Christ, upon you, your marriage, family, tribe, and the nations: to enable all deny themselves, repent and humble themselves fully before God. That God will cleanse and purify them with the blood of Jesus from every defilement and contamination of sin ( 16:29-30; Heb 10:1-2; 1 Joh 1:7,9)
In the 11th month God sends His word and its meaning to His people through His servants.
- Pray that God will send forth His word and revelations to you & your family, your tribe, community, the Church of Jesus Christ, your nation and continent through His servants; that you be properly positioned with knowledge to fulfil His commandments and will (Zech 1:7-21; Deut. 1:3)
Prayers concerning Jewish civil issues
Israel is still very much on God’s heart, no matter what is happening presently; they are still God’s chosen people. In the present siege in Ni’lin??? village and the pressures Israel is facing over the construction of the apartheid wall, especially from the International Court of Justice,
- Pray that God will grant the government of Israel His wisdom liberally to take decisions and act perfectly in line with His will for them (Jam 1:5, 1Joh 2:17, Rev 17:17)
- Pray that God will break the arms of the spiritual Pharaohs that interfere with all the civil affairs of Israel (Ezek 30:22, 24)
Prayers on obedience even unto death: Aaron obeyed God’s command, even though he knew he was going to die on the mount.
- Pray that God will help you and all those who belong to Him worldwide to be obedient to all His commandments even if obeying Him will lead to death (Ps 121:1-2; Phil 2:8). That you’ll all indeed listen to and obey God’s voice at all times, fulfilling His counsel and pleasure (Exo 23:22; Rev 4:11)
- Pray that God will teach you what it means to be alive yet dead, as He takes you, your family, marriage, tribe, nation and continent on a journey of dying to self on a daily basis (1 Cor 15:31)
- Pray that as you become a people of obedience to the Lord in all situations and circumstances, the blessing of obedience will come upon you as a people and overtake you (Deut 28:1-14)
Honour God instead of man
God’s word says give “honour to whom honour is due”. Even though Julius Caesar deserved honour due to his position, yet the name of the month must be given as God named it.
- Pray that those in positions of authority that have the power to confer honour on others will know God’s word and therefore be in a position to scrutinize whatever honour they want to confer. Repent in identification with those who have already made mistakes in this regard (Acts 3:19; Prov 28:13).
- Pray that in your life, and the life of God’s people, no one should be involved in giving God’s honour to man (Isa 42:8), in any given situation or circumstance as that will amount to despising God and He will lightly esteem them or curse or dishonour them as punishment (1 Sam 2:30b)
- Pray that the heavens will declare the original God-given name of the fifth month, and the days will utter that name to every speech or language and to the end of the world (Ps 19:1-4)
Prayers on hottest month and also winter
The hottest period of time is the time when the battle is most fierce. At such times we need to be strong and courageous because it is also a period when death occurs.
- Pray that God will make you, your family, marriage, communities, nation and continent strong & courageous in Him and in the power of His might to be able to stand against all the wiles of the devil and also enable you enter His inheritance for you (Eph.6: 10-13, Jos 1:7; 2 Ch 32:7).
- Pray that you, your marriage and your household, your tribe, the ministry God has committed into your hands, your nation etc will be protected from untimely death (Ps. 118:17;Ps 49:15;Hos 13:14)
- In the southern hemisphere where it is winter with possible lack of food because of little rain and sunlight to encourage plant growth, Pray that God will be your sustenance and provider (2 Sam 19:32)
Prayers on abundance
- Pray that God will enable you, your family, your marriage, tribe and clan, by His grace, to serve Him in joyfulness and gladness of heart for the abundance of all things (2 Cor 8:7; 9:8; Deut 28:47)
- Pray that God will bless your communities, cities, nations and continent with abundance of rain and sunshine that there’ll be abundance of food to alleviate starvation and food shortages in the world today (1 Kgs 18:41)
Prayers on life thriving well: A life that thrives is a life that is flourishing or successful.
- Pray that God will cause you, your family, tribe and clan, the work of your hands, the call of God upon your life; the ministry God has committed into your hands, your marriage or marriage to be, etc., to be planted in the house of the Lord so that you can flourish in the courts of your God; beginning or continuing from this month of July till you meet the Lord (Ps 92:13)
- Pray also for your communities and nations, on the continent of Africa and in the rest of the world: that God will turn them to righteousness and cause each one of them to flourish like a palm tree in the courts of God, the way God purposed and planned it to be (Ps 92:12-13)
To be successful God’s way, you must not only know the word, but also endeavour to live according to its dictates. Many children of God may be people who have head knowledge of the word, but their lives are not governed by the word.
- Pray for yourself, your family and tribe, your marriage, the work of your hands; the church of Jesus Christ and your nation that God will bring you to that place of total surrender to His word, and make you a doer of His word (Jos 1:7-8; Jam 1:23-25)
The following scriptures will be useful as we speak into the heavens: Isaiah 60:17-22; Deuteronomy 33:13,14. Remember we already have the victory in Jesus, which we are enforcing (2 Corinthians 2:14-16, Isaiah 35: 10; 51: 9-11, Jeremiah 31:11-12), while relying completely on the Holy Spirit (Zechariah 4:6)!
July marks the seventh lunar season of the year 2008.
- Pray that in this seventh lunar season, believers everywhere should not only present gifts to God for His goodness but should first and foremost present themselves and their bodies as a living sacrifice and instrument for God to use (Lev. 23:24, 2 Cor 8:3-5, Rom 12:1)
The major lunar events of significance in the heavens are as follows:
The New Moon is on the 3rd of July 2008 @ 02:19 UT.
- Pray that with the new moon, because God declared this year as the year of new beginnings, God would usher you and your family, the church, your communities, nation and continent into a new life according to His word. (Num 23:19)
The First quarter moon is on the 10th of July 2008 @ 04:35 UT.
- The first quarter moon is declared by various occult groups as a bow that is used to shoot arrows at God’s people so pray that God will send His own arrows at such groups to scatter and discomfit them (Ps 18:13-15)
The full moon is on the 18th of July 2008 @ 07:59 UT.
- The full moon is a time of heightened demonic activity. Pray fervently for the manifestation of the fullness of the wrath of God against all such demonic activities in your life, against the call of God upon your life, against your family, your communities and nation. (Ezek 22:31)
The last quarter moon is on the 25th of July 2008 @ 18:42 UT
The last quarter moon is the so-called Hecate’s sickle used by various satanic groups to harvest the gains of the saints.
- Pray that the Son of man, who rides on the cloud & also holds the heavenly sickle, as seen in Revelation 14:14-16 cf. Isaiah 19:1- 3, will reap the harvest of the earth that is ripe, and destroy the counsel and works of all those involved in harvesting the gains of the saints.
- Pray that every sacrifice made to any deity other than the Most High God to gain any advantage over others in the earth, God Himself will bow the heavens and come down to fight (Ps 18:7-14)
The sun in this month passes through a cluster of 83 stars known as the constellation called CANCER wrongly symbolised by the Crab. The symbol should have been a SCARABAEUS BEETLE, which is AN EMBLEM OF RESURRECTION.
In ancient Denderah and Hindu cultures, CANCER was represented as a Scarabaeus or sacred beetle. The Egyptians considered this as an emblem of the resurrection of the body, since the Scarabaeus passed its earthly existence as a worm of the earth and developed into a winged denizen of heaven.
It is our opinion that God put this sign in the heavens to declare this very vital aspect of the gospel of the Kingdom, which God has placed in the stars – THAT JESUS IS THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE. The devil, over time, tried to pervert this through the various occult practices, traditions & cultures of men, which deny people of the true knowledge that brings liberty.
- Pray for men and women, boys and girls in your family, the church, your region/province, nation and continent, who have not yet believed: that God will work the knowledge of this truth into their hearts and bring them to total surrender to the Lordship of Jesus Christ the resurrection and the life (Joh 11:25)
- Proclaim Jesus as the resurrection and life over every dead and grave situation of your life, family, community, cities and nation as in the case of Lazarus (John 11:24,25 cf. 5:25,26) because you believe & bear record (John 12:17; 2Cor 4:13)
Three (3) other groups (constellations) of stars called decans that form part of the ‘sign’ called Cancer are:
URSA MINOR (representing the lesser flock): The lesser sheepfold represents those that sought for a city whose builder and maker is God.
- Pray that God will make you, your family, tribe nation and continent like the lesser sheepfold, a people also looking for a city whose builder and maker is God (Heb 11:10-16)
URSA MAJOR (representing the sheepfold and the sheep): God will gather the innumerable seed as a shepherd among His sheep that are scattered.
- Pray that just as God promised in Ezekiel 34:12-16, to gather His own that had been scattered, He will do so in your life, in your family, in the work of your hands, in your community, the church and the nations (Jer 31:10-12).
ARGO (the ship that brings the pilgrims home): These speak or tell of the heaven-bound company (believers) that God is going to bring to a place he has prepared for them. Argo is the ship that brings the pilgrims home
- Proclaim the whole of Isaiah 60 especially verses 4, 5, 8and 9. Ask God to pattern your life and that of your family, your nation and continent to conform to Isaiah 60
Another constellation of 80 stars seen in the sky this month is DRACO – the dragon of the stars. Draco is a Greek word that means “Trodden on” (Ps 91:13). Draco – represents the Dragon cast down (Rev 12:9). In China and Japan the dragon is described and depicted in legend and in art.
- Pray that wherever the activities of the dragon are in manifestation; God’s people will tread upon; as represented by the lion and the udder, serpents and scorpions according to the word of the Lord (Ps 91:13; Lk 10:19)
Jupiter remains the most prominent planet visible in the sky this month.
- Command Jupiter to give glory and praise to the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords (Ps 148; Rev 19:16)
The STONE for the month is EMERALD
- Pray that God will garnish your foundations and the foundations of your family and every foundation laid for you and by you with precious stones like the emerald (Rev 21:19; Isa 54:11)
- Proclaim the Lord will remain the King of Kings and Lord of Lords over your lives from everlasting to everlasting (Rev 19:16).
The purpose of the prophecies is to guide us into God’s perfect and specific plan for each one of us, our families, the church and the nations of the world for the year 2008. We need to keep these prophecies in focus so that we do not loose track of what God has said.
We also need to pray for understanding as we study them, and comprehensively plan and prepare towards their fulfilment. This is what it means to war a good warfare with what God has said (1 Timothy 1:18-19).
We will take a close look at the appropriate ones for each month, to enable us play our part well.
2008 is the year God is bringing Africa to a place of abundance. God says He has changed the order, when there are trouble spots in the world; it will be from Africa that solution will be gotten. Some countries like Kenya and other places, solutions will come from within the same country. Within the next nine months we shall see at least six signs and that will be the beginning of restoration for Africa (we are still within this time frame).
- Pray for the restoration of Africa according to the word of the Lord (Joel 2:25; Isa 42:22; Jer 30:17). Pray for the abundance of all things (resources) in Africa to enable her to be the solution to the world successfully (Deut 33:19; Isa 60:5).
2008 is the year of flood – stage level of blessing. Thank God for blessing you, your family, marriage, the work of your hands, etc.: making you fruitful and multiplying you exceedingly (Gen 17:20).
As much as 2008 is the year of the favour of the Lord, it is also a year of judgement.
- Pray that you and your family, your marriage, the church of Jesus Christ, your nation, etc., will be properly positioned to enjoy God’s favour that brings abundance (Exo 3:21-22)
- Repent and ask God for forgiveness of all secret faults, and unknown sins and forsake every thing contrary to God’s word (as Daniel did in Daniel 9 cf. Nehemiah 9), so that neither you nor any one connected to you or your nation will face God’s judgment (Prov 28:13,1Pet. 4:17).
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