Ancient Romans referred to January as “Ianuarius” (meaning month of Janus), a word not so far removed from the modern day January and taken from the Etruscan word “Jauna” meaning “door”. The Romans dedicated it as their first month to their god of gateways and doorways whose name was JANUS, hence the name January.
According to the Romans, the first (1st) month was the gate through which everyone enters the calendar year; this made it easier to exert unfair influence and control on their enemies by dedicating it to the god Janus hoping they would have better favor in wars. Therefore January became the first (1st) month of the Gregorian year.
Originally, the old Roman calendar began in spring; the season of new beginnings around March/April. The beginning of their year was dedicated to the god of war – Mars.
Finally, in 46 B.C.E., Julius Caesar initiated a thorough reform that resulted in the establishment of a new dating system, the Julian calendar. He wanted the year to begin in January since it contained the festival of the god of gates (later the god of all beginnings).
Since Julius Ceasar was very superstitious and fearful he dedicated the beginning of the year to the god of gates Janus. Thus; the year was moved back 2 months from March to January.
This calendar was finally re-configured to align to what we have today by Pope Gregory- the Gregorian calendar. While the original pattern begins the year at the gates of spring season, the Gregorian calendar begins the year in the middle of the winter season.
The dedication of the era after the birth of Jesus Christ to “Anno Domini” (A.D) “The year of our LORD”; has elevated the Gregorian calendar to become the most widely used calendar all over the world for the marking of passage of months and years.
Most of the month of January remains in Tevet 5775 which began at sundown 23rd December 2014 to 20th January 2015. The month Sh’vat commencing on the 20th of January 2015 (Sundown), is the fifth (5th) and eleventh (11th) month of the Jewish civil and sacred calendars respectively. This is the first (1st) month of the year 2015 according to the Gregorian calendar.
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