Information about the Month of June

In Gregorian calendar June is the sixth month of the year. In 2017 Sivan, the third (3rd) month in the Biblical Sacred Calendar, and the ninth (9th) in Biblical Civil Calendar falls in May/June.

This is the season when harvest begins in the northern hemisphere even as winter season start toward the tropic of Capricorn in the southern Hemisphere.

June Solstice this year is on Wednesday June 21, 2017 at 4:24 UTC, ushering in the summer gate. In this season the sun is positioned directly over the tropic of Cancer in the northern hemisphere. This results in the phenomenon known as the Summer Solstice or the high summer in the northern hemisphere.

A solstice occurs when the sun’s zenith is at its furthest point from the equator. On the June solstice, it reaches its northernmost point and the Earth’s North Pole tilts directly towards the sun, at about 23.4 degrees. This is also known as the northern solstice since it takes place when the sun is directly over the Tropic of Cancer in the Northern Hemisphere.

June 21, records the longest daylight hours and the shortest night time hours of 2017. In some areas of the northern hemisphere they experience sunlight for up to 23 hours. The southern hemisphere experiences the winter solstice during that same day recording the shortest daylight hours and longest nighttime hours.

Jewish month Sivan continues through to June 24, 2017. The month Tammuz begins at sundown on Saturday June 24th and ends at sundown Sunday July 23, 2017.

In Jewish tradition the holiday of Shavuot is said to commemorate the giving of the Torah at Sinai. The festival of Shavuot occurs on the sixth day of the Hebrew month of Sivan. It is one of the three Biblical pilgrimage festivals.

Shavuot Holiday celebration this year begins at sundown on Tuesday May 30, 2017 and ends at sundown Thursday June 1, 2017. The word Shavuot (Pentecost) means “weeks,” and Shavuot marks the completion of the seven-week counting period between Passover and Shavuot, that is, from Easter to Pentecost.

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