February was named after the Latin word “Februum” meaning purification. It was so named after the purification ritual “Februa” dedicated to deity Juno, held on February 15th in the old Roman calendar. From 6th February to 7th March marks the (6th) sixth month following the Biblical civil calendar and the twelfth (12th) month of the Biblical sacred calendar. February is the second (2nd) month according to the
Gregorian calendar. February is the shortest month of the year with 28 and a quarter days. In “ordinary years”, it approximates to 28 ¼ days. After every 4 years, the quarter days add up to one full day creating a 29th day in each leap year. February is the only month of the Gregorian calendar year that can pass without a single full moon because it has only 28 days in common years. It is also the only month of the calendar that once every six years and twice every 11 years, will have only four full 7- day weeks.

This is a month of many deeply pagan events and it would do well to know their significance, in order to avoid participating in them, and helping other kingdom citizens to break free of the doctrines of men which have nullified the power of Jehovah in their lives.

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