Information about the Month of April

April is the fourth (4th) month of the Gregorian calendar. The derivation of the Latin name “Aprilis” for April is uncertain. Conventionally, the etymology is from the Latin word “Aperire” meaning “to open” in relation to it being the season when trees, greenery and flowers begin to “bud” or waken. In the northern hemisphere vegetation begins to bud (open out) and blossom, new life springs forth. It is the time for restoration of life after the cold, harsh, just-ended winter months. It is also the time of release of the latter rain that culminates in establishment, preservation and progress signifying fruitfulness and hope as new life begins. In the southern hemisphere it is rather the gates autumn season when creation begins to prepare for the coming winter season.

The final month of the Biblical Sacred calendar ended on 27th March, 2017; from 28th March 2017 we usher in the Biblical Sacred New Year Nisan 5777. It will be the first (1st) month of the Sacred Year and the eighth (8th) month of the Biblical Civil year.

When commanding Moses and the Israelites to keep the Passover on the eve of their independence from Egypt, Jehovah said to Moses in Exodus 12.1b this will be the beginning of years for you;. Thus it marks the beginning of Jehovah’s Sacred calendar year.

Nisan 5777 occurs from 28th March 2017 to 26th April 2017. This month will be considered the eighth (8th) month of the Biblical Civil calendar, the first (1st) month of the Sacred calendar, and remains the fourth (4rd) month of the Gregorian calendar. The Passover/Pesach, Feast of Unleavened Bread and Feast of First Fruits/Chag ha Matzoh the first set of three of the seven Feasts of Jehovah will be celebrated this month. The Christian Easter will be celebrated on Sunday April 16, 2017.

•April 10th 2017 (14th of Nisan, 5777): Ta’anit Bechorot Erev Pesach, The eve of the 7-day Feast of Unleavened bread

•April 11-12 2017 (15th-16th of Nisan, 5777): Pesach I &II

•April 13th-16th 2017 (17th-20th of Nisan, 5777): Pesach III-V (Chag ha Matzoh – CH’’M) First fruits begins (and counting the Omer also commences)

•April 17th -18th 2017 (21-22 Nisan, 5777): Pesach VII-VIII

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