Posted on 01 Jun 2017

(From 26th May 2017 to June 24, 2017)

The Ramadan is the holy month of Islamic fast, which will commence on the sundown of the 9th new moon on the Islamic calendar and ends on the 10th new moon with the celebration of Idd ul Fitr. The season will commence on 26th May 2017 and end the evening of Saturday June 24, 2017. The Ramadan is an annual season for cleansing of souls and renewal of covenants, drawing of power from the altar of “Allah” for the purpose of ruling in the affairs of men. Various activities take place during this month, which are not necessary during other times of the year.

• The Moslems will fast for the daylight hours from sunrise to sunset. They are not allowed to take in anything at all whether food or drink. However during the night hours, they can eat until the next sunrise.

• The five prayer times are observed more strictly during that month

• The Moslems are encouraged to give Zakat (alms) more than other times.

• They are encouraged to read 1/30th of their covenant document – the Koran daily so as to finish reading or reciting it by the end of the 30 days.

• Those who have memorized the Koran can recite the entire document on a daily basis

• The strict adherents observe the Tahajjud – the midnight watch daily during this season.

• The last ten days are some of the most important for this fast. They observe what they refer to as the night of destinies, a season of new beginnings. The purpose is significant to them and for the destiny of people who are not of their faith too.

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